Why would any "God" condemn you to hell for not worshipping it?

Think people, THINK!

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I tried telling my "Christian" family members this, but as always, they're too busy with life.. We have these 'tares' and 'empty souls' everywhere, including our own families, and churches, which makes things even more difficult (in my personal experience). Yes I, too, have my worldy addictions, but I have precisely zero wholehearted affection for them, and anything that isn't heavenly, and it's scary to see how people justify their emptyness with how busy they are with work, etc.

In ways, the people who brought me to God, aren't even Godly themselves. As you pointed out, even our Churches are failing to convey the sufficient need for us to be vigilant, because they have been affected by this non-spiritual system, the world. Satan is very subtle and crafty, it seems Christians still don't realize just how efficient his deceptions are.

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“Thanks to the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross, we are clean and unblemished. We’ve been put in Christ. Therefore, God sees us as pure and holy.”

This is a wonderful truth indeed, that by faith in Christ we have been covered by His righteousness. He has become the propitiation for our sins—by His death and resurrection He has appeased God’s wrath. Covered in Christ's righteousness we are rescued from the wrath to come.

However, although we have been “put in” Christ, it’s our daily responsibility to “put on” Christ: “Put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh to gratify its desires” (Romans 13:14). It’s our inability to put on Christ that so often prevents us from laying “aside every hindrance and the sin that so easily ensnares us” (Hebrews 12:1).

How do we put on Christ? It’s an act of the will, a deliberate, heartfelt choice to keep in step with the Spirit (Galatians 5:25), a conscious surrendering to God’s will for us, a prayerful desire to keep our minds renewed so we aren’t conformed to this world and may be free to discern “the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God” (Romans 12:2).

Thinking deeply about God’s truths shines a light on those areas of our lives where we are being soulish (fleshly) (Hebrews 4:12). His Word corrects us and empowers us to know Him in a deeper way.


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Amen Brother! Sadly, many Believers have not had the revelation that they are living from the wrong tree, and are still trying to play God, knowing only good and evil and not living from the tree of life, the risen, living, indwelling Lord Jesus Christ! He is indeed the Way, and every other way is not a Way!

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We are also indoctrinated to believe we are humans. There was a time when we thought of ourselves as mankind. It was precisely when the United Nations passed its declaration of human rights that a worldwide indoctrination campaign was commenced to get us to accept being defined as humans so they can easily replace mankind with humans ("people" (Men created by God) versus "persons" ( Homosapiens product of evolution). Human=color of man (looks like man). They even created a new system of laws for their new legal species, called Statutory Law also known as color of law. Color of law for color people (as in color of man). What a scam.

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I believe the purpose of technology from the beginning was to develop it to a point where it could be used to enslave us. That has now occurred. Big Tech has always been created by godless men who, for money, power and prestige, were doing the work of Satan, whether they knew it or not. None of the high technology in our world was created by Christians. Ask yourself why this should be the case.

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We need to understand that God is Sovereign in all of life. That concept has been lost in many circles including churches. It also means that Satan cannot make a move unless God has allowed it. For confirmation of this, read the first few chapters of the book of Job. Now, since Christ’s death and resurrection, Satan has been chained so that he can deceive the nations no more - this was to allow the spread of the gospel message throughout the world as it was no longer confined to the Jewish people. So Satans power is less than it was but he is at constant war with believers. God uses Satan to bring people to Christ and also to harden others and confirm them in their unbelief. It is a spiritual war and Christ warned us to lay up treasure in heaven meaning not to be distracted or conformed to this world system which is the system of the beast. I believe we may be living in the early stages of what is referred to as the tribulation. It is an error to think that the church I.e believers, will be “raptured “ away from the earth. Nowhere in Scripture does it say that. It is another deception of Satan. This teaching is rampant in many churches. In Ephesians we are warned to put on the whole armour of God so that in the evil days we are equipped to stand against the wiles of Satan. It will only get worse but God uses these times to test His people.

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There seems to be two classes of people that will enter the Kingdom of God. One is a small definite number (the small herd) that will not experience death but will be taken to heaven to take a seat next to Jesus as King to restore the earth and lead mankind (the great crowd) during the 1000 year reign. The great crowd are people who will survive Armagedon and will enter the 1000 year reign. Dueing the 1000 year reign, there will also be the resurrection of the dead. Some will resurect to everlasging life and others to be judged. The gospell will continue after armaghedon because among the resurected, there will be people who will need to he ministered about the truth of Gods kingdom because they never had a chance to know God. It will be a beautiful time and great tasks await us all. Imagine all that will be revealed to us about the past and history by the very same people who lived it.

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Yes, this is so important to understand and is missed by many. Satan may be using fallen man to execute his plans but it’s God who’s ultimately in charge and He allows it. Why? To confirm us to Christ.

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Excellent. Thank you

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Hi Mike, thank you as always for another incredible substack! You stopped me in my tracks with this:

"Today, I want to discuss a topic that may be challenging but is crucial for these times. It is becoming more apparent with each passing day that we are amid a mindwar. I’m not going to delve deep into what this is but, I’d encourage you to look further into it."

This "mindwar" is precisely what I have been diving into, deeply, for the last couple of years -- and it just so happens that today I launched a free Mental Defense Workshop, which felt like such an astounding synchronicity I had to say something! The Holy Spirit is on the move!!

Peace and blessing brother, keep up the good work!

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Thank you, Luke! I do not believe in coincidences so I agree that the Holy Spirit is on the move here. And good timing too because this subject needs more attention in these crazy times. God bless brother.

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Where did so many of the comments go? Do you eliminate them?

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I’m not sure what you mean. I can see them all.

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I noticed that when I clicked the "comment" link in the email, it took me to the "they stood by" post, which has about 126 comments on it. This is the link from the email button:


Of course, that's a different article, which leaves one scratching the head... BUT, I actually had this same problem before, and it happened because I had copied all the bottom business from one post to the next, trying to be efficient, including the share and comment button, not realizing the buttons retained their reference to the original post. Thus, when a comment button was copied from post A, to the bottom of posts B, C, D, etc, it LOOKED good in the emails, but if someone clicked the comment button in the Post D email, they'd still end up dropping the comment on Post A... kind of a lengthy explanation, hope that makes sense. It took me awhile to figure out what the problem was!

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Oh wow. Thank you. I’ve been wondering about that for a while because I keep seeing people comment on the wrong posts. I’ll have to manually change them on new posts. In fact, I’ll update them on the current one just to be sure.

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Yep, that's exactly what happened to me!

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It takes a humble and dedicated man to make those admissions, Mike. I'm sure God will bless you. Thanks for reminding us of what is important.

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Thank you, Lisa. I appreciate that. I’m learning that this is what honesty is all about. May God bless you too.

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My heart leaped when I saw the title of your post! His Spirit within gave me that divine Amen!!! We have been blessed to know these truths for almost 4 decades. And believe me - we are a minority of believers. It’s soooo much more than out of hell and into heaven!!! It’s His life in us NOW!!

May God richly bless you for sharing the true Gospel! Thank you!

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Thank you, Trudy! What you said is so true and really needs to be heard. God bless you.

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Cool, I'll landfill my zyns.

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Article is well stated!

Thank you...

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Thank you 🙏🏼

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Satan's system is one of the main reasons why the great tribulation is so radical. People do not realize, but in addition to what you have mentioned, few are aware that his system is designed to make us frustrated, angry, confused, and on and on. I wrote a post a while back about how things are going to change when Satan's system is wiped out for the second time. It was a major part of the problem when the Lord sent the Flood as well.

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Sep 26
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Thank you 🙏🏼 I agree. May Lord put light on these things that we are attached to which prevent Him from fully occupying us.

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