Yes Mike. A truly beautiful and fascinating study. The analogies are infinite as we examine all of creation in regard to the mind and work of The Creator. We are called to remember our Creator in the days of our youth, and to remember His Sabbath Day to keep it holy. This is the Day the Lord made (and not man) and is the 7th day of the Lord our God, who instituted the weekly cycle which we have to this day. God has not changed His cycle of the seasons, the months, days and years, nor the weekly cycle. He has a plan for all of creation to finally rest from the works of sin upon the 7th day. Do we want to enter into His rest, or is another day of man's own making better for us and our world than God's plan? Mark 2:27 Psa_95:11  Unto whom I sware in my wrath that they should not enter into my rest.

Heb_3:11  So I sware in my wrath, They shall not enter into my rest.)

Heb_4:3  For we which have believed do enter into rest, as he said, As I have sworn in my wrath, if they shall enter into my rest: although the works were finished from the foundation of the world.

Heb_4:5  And in this place again, If they shall enter into my rest.

So Christ finished His Father's work on "good Friday" and rested the Sabbath day according to the commandment. He promised the repentant thief of the cross that on that very day (Friday, the 6th day) the poor man's soul would enter into rest (of fullness of joy - the paradise promised to those redeemed from their sins) and be at peace. Fully accepted by the Beloved. God will again finish the work of redeeming every heart from sin that wishes to be forgiven and then He will declare once again His finished work as our High Priest in heaven (ending the day of atonement and the day of cleansing every 'sanctuary' from sins) and there will be a people who will be prepared to enter into His Rest at the end of that day - the 6th. The next 1000 years (representing and fulfilling the 7th day in the cycle) the earth will rest and keep her 'sabbaths' that she was prevented from keeping aright while sinful men ruled on the earth and mocked at God's statues. Lev 26: 34, 43; 2 Ch 36:21 Lam 1:7; Hos 2:1 Now is the day of salvation, today is the day to get our hearts right with God and to let His Spirit cleanse our heart/life and make His dwelling in us as living temples, holy and acceptable unto the Lord. There is only One Lord, One Shepherd, One Bishop of our souls - and that is Jesus Christ. He will give us the wedding garment and prepare us to partake in the wedding feast.

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Jun 15Liked by Mike Donio

Nicely don’t and yes sharing!

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Thank you 🙏🏼

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This is a really good way to understand our bodies. And when you give the credit of how wonderfully we're made, by God, it blows any other theory out of the water.

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Thank you 🙏🏼

I agree.

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Jun 14Liked by Mike Donio

“I am the beginning & the end”

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Jun 14Liked by Mike Donio

Love, love, LOVE this post! Amen!

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Thank you 🙏🏼

Appreciate that.

God bless.

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Jun 13Liked by Mike Donio

Some of these beautiful sentiments could form a good basis for asserting a religious exemption to medical procedures.

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The body is indeed amazing. It's got the best "tech" that nature and evolution lead to.

I don't see a creator and it opens another question as to who created the creator.

I see nature, the force of life as magical and wonderful!

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Jun 14Liked by Mike Donio

No one created the Creator. He is eternal, outside of time. He created time and space.

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Jun 13Liked by Mike Donio

Amen The Awesome GOD of Creation! ALL Glory to GOD 🙏🏼🕊🙌🏼🔥

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I have learned through trauma healing that the head receives so much (approx 80%) of it’s communication from the body.

As in things like trauma; by calming my body and showing it that I am ok (now), my mind responds by not going into fight/flight/freeze/fawn and I can ultimately not stay ‘stuck’ in fight/flight.


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Yes, there is a lot of feedback that occurs as we constantly sense our surroundings and adapt to meet new challenges. So amazing.

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Yessir! 🙌🏻

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Jun 13Liked by Mike Donio

Amazing and wonderful info! Thank you!

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Thank you!

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Jun 13Liked by Mike Donio

Beautiful...and thought provoking!

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Thank you!

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This blew my circuitry and I hope it does the same for you too.


I agree LIFE is astonishing!

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Thank you 🙏🏼

I agree. It is so astonishing!

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Jun 13Liked by Mike Donio

Your articles are always so inspiring! Thank you.

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Thank you so much. Appreciate that. It’s all to God’s glory.

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How much of we have been told about cellular biology has actually been proven? The concept of receptors on the cells, function of a cell wall, mitochondria and ATP production? Minerals? Inside and outside? Fact or still unknown. What about organs? Are they made of cells? Entirely? Or are there a few layers on the outer surface then the delineation disappears? Then what about cancer? We are told cells reproducing uncontrollably?

I would like to hear more about what we are told is actual fact and what is still “ we’re not sure “.

Yes the human body is amazing and so are you Mike. Thank You

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