This is spot on. Lest not forget the after we were locked in our homes an isolated, economy shut down and neighbour turned on neighbour, Pfizer said: oh we didn't test the vac for transmission. Were we supposed to??

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Doctors who went against the narrative of the various government acronyms were persecuted, harassed, and many lost their medical licenses. The scientific proof was there for the use of repurposed drugs to successfully and inexpensively save lives. It was ignored and worse. Most who chose to believe proven science over untested government propaganda and use the proven drugs to fight covid are still alive . A sad and telling testimony to misplaced power. We are but sheep. We will never be the same.

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What do you mean, we don't start to look physically like him. There is no him/her as God lives within us not some “God” in the sky as religions have taught us. Thats what made in his image means. We have the Kingdom of Heaven within us which makes us powerful, one we realise this. Appreciate the science lesson.

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Sep 12Liked by Mike Donio


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Sep 12Liked by Mike Donio

GOD bless you Brother so thankful we have your Creationist understanding and bringing Truth and clarity to our DNA & Genetics. That worldly “Science” by the unbelieving evolutionists have done such an abomination of deceiving the world of & leaving GOD out when He is the AUTHOR OF LIFE. Praise GOD for His Creation & the Supernatural Work He does in Us to put His Mark In Us by way of His Spirit we are Sealed for Him & no man can Pluck us out of His Hand! Look forward to more from you Mike & sharing this teaching today! 🙏🏼🕊🙌🏼🔥

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Thank you, Sister. I appreciate that. Praise God indeed! God bless you.

I think you may have inadvertently commented on the wrong post by the way. Substack seems to do that sometimes.

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Definitely possible it was your Still in the Storm newsletter.. I was responding to and something seemed to go wonky at the time. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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According to honest scientists, genetics is a fake, a pseudoscience . See Next Level on telegram.

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No, before Covid I never thought such evil was possible. I knew that criminals rule the world but I didn't realize just how many people will jump on the criminal band wagon and then claim the moral high ground while they were at their most criminal. I also never thought that absolutely everything, EVERYTHING, espoused by officially annointed experts in the media & all govt leaders during this time would be a lie. Whew .really I'm happy to have survived the Psy op.

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The whole CoV hoax was an experiment to see just how much medical tierany people will knuckle under too when they gin up the fear factor & get people to turn on those folks like us that just aren’t buying into their muzzels, and 6 ft rule and the whole rubbish piled high till it was absurd. We have the GOD given liberty to not have our bodies invaded with foreign objects & toxins against our will! ❌ to PCR testing and Vaccines or anything against my will. I’m not required to set myself on fire to keep you warm. Praise GOD for checking me to not fall for the PLANdemic.

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Great perspective. We too resisted and I had to retire early from my job as a teacher in a Christian School. There were at least 26 of us who considered it a Freedom of Conscience issue which is a distinctly Christian trait. So I had conscious objections to being subject to experimental medical treatment. We both believe God alerted us to dangers the mandated shots posed.

Margie T

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i learned the place where i worked was evil, ruthlessly evil, when they mandated the vaccine. I left that place and those wicked ones.

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I think it was a test and I almost failed it. I considered the vaccine for a moment and then I regained my senses. I did not stand up to the tyranny at church (masking, distancing, closures) and I regret it. I did however try to save my sisters, their family and my children, to no avail. They all think I am a conspiracy theorist crazy christian and wont have anything to do with me or my husband. I am known at church though as an antivaxer... too bad! I no longer care...I shove books into their hands like Sudden Death by Edward Dowd when they question early deaths of friends and family, if they start acting like they are questioning source, I refer them to Turtles All the Way Down (authors unknown by choice) and I forward emails that give good info like Midwestern Doctor or FLCCC or Andy Kaufman, Tom Cowan and the Baileys. I no longer believe in so called virus...nor do I trust any doctor or dentist. I am a member of InPower and send NOL's to these companies run by satanic forces. I am not a scientist, I do have a horticulture background and am a landscape designer. I am retired from 31 years at Verizon and 7 years teaching in a greenhouse vocational skills. I do not think I am educated enough to offer you assistance other than praying for you and having common sense (which I think all have lost due to dependence on all things google and the vaccine effecting the front lobe)


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Wow, I'm impressed with how honest you are about the challenges you faced, & what the process taught you as you examined your responses. This is a great spiritual challenge for us all as we face our own times of testing. I think in western countries we don't realize how much we get influenced by the world around us in what we think we need. I must admit that I was concerned when I heard people say "I can't afford to lose my job". I couldn't help wondering why they thought God couldn't or wouldn't help them get another one, or at least provide for their needs in some way. I know that can be quite a challenge, especially when you have children, but Christians who live by faith do this every day. Many persecuted Christians lose everything and suffer greatly for their commitment to stand up for what is right, but they do it willingly and I believe God blesses them for that. I think as we approach end times, we need to ask ourselves are we ready to make that stand against whatever threat or injustice we may be faced with. Having read the stories of many martyrs for the faith, I'm amazed how God enables them to face the horrors of their fate. They seem to be infused with a supernatural ability to endure. I guess we never know how much grace & strength God will give until we face the worst & choose to trust Him & His promises.

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Aug 1·edited Aug 1

The Covid scam was definitely a test. It’s all about self sovereignty. Are you in charge of you? Or is the gov in charge of you? Do you want to live free or like cattle? It’s a great choice and it’s happening now and will continue until everyone makes their choice.

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Aug 1Liked by Mike Donio

Yes, I am interested in your course teaching how to best navigate a research paper. Love learning and would like to help. Carol Niklewski

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Thank you, Carol. That’s great. I really appreciate it. I’ll be in touch. Thank you.

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It is the full gospel of Yeshua that is the "power of God unto salvation for everyone who believes": ww.Christ-is-King.org.nz

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The scriptures don't teach that we go to heaven when we die. It teaches resurrection and reign of Christ on earth.

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