This is a balanced and very reasonable article. Thank you.

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Thank you it has been a terrible time these past four years & I know it will get worse. I lost friends because I refused to get the shot. Some were afraid to even meet outside in a park. A friend who got several of the shots, who continued to get them even when she broke out with a rash all over after each shot has now been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. She is a breast cancer survivor from years ago. I fear she pass quickly & I’m sure she’s not making the connection.

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I'm sorry it's taken me so long to respond. Life gets too busy at times. You did a beautiful job of putting voice to words well spoken regarding the majesty and magnificence of our Lord...our true King! He is matchless, He is glorious, He is unexplainable...however, it is a privilege to try to capture His essence with our words, so that others can share what's in our innermost being. You did a wonderful job and your words WILL bear "much fruit" for His Kingdom. Press on!

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Apr 26Liked by Mike Donio

Sheldon speaks as to whether a scientist can believe in God:


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Thanks be to God!

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It's a worthy theme for conversation among Brothers and Sisters of the ONE Family.

Meher Baba, from "Discourses":

"The NEW HUMANITY, which emerges from the travail of present struggle and suffering, will not ignore science or its practical attainments. It is a mistake to look upon science as anti-spiritual. Science is a help or hindrance to spirituality according to the use to which it is put. Just as true art expresses spirituality, so science, when properly handled, can be the expression and fulfillment of the spirit.

"Scientific truths concerning the physical body and its life in the gross world can become a medium for the soul to know itself; but to serve this purpose they must be properly fitted into the larger spiritual understanding. This includes a steady perception of true and lasting values. In the absence of such spiritual understanding, scientific truths and attainments are liable to be used for mutual destruction and for a life which will tend to strengthen the chains which bind the spirit.

"All-sided progress of humanity can be assured only if science and religion proceed hand in hand."

DISCOURSES; 6th ed, vol 1, pp. 19-20

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Very well put Mike, for everybody to follow your convincing reasoning!

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Thank you 🙏🏼

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Couldn't agree with you more, Mike. Research must be done, whenever someone is claiming that a certain something is the cause of an ailment or even death in order to verify if it is true.

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Amen Love and prayers from Queensland Australia 🇦🇺

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The recent eclipse was just one of many works (phenomena) of the almighty. It would certainly be great if more folk realised Allah’s (Gods) works.

It’s most unfortunate to witness the present catastrophe being played out in Palestine. Are the present leaders/governors so blind not to see/realise the injustice and inhumanity being carried out on an innocent Palestinian population.

Though there are those speaking out and doing their bit to fight this injustice, there are far too many that appear to prefer taking an ostrich stance in the sand, displaying little or no courage to stand up for what is right and honourable.

Reflecting back on the COVID19 era definitely brought to light the planned injustice. Again, far too many decided to play along with the scam due to either fear or simply due to ignorance. We are now witnessing designed wars and climate change scares to further control and imprison the majority of the present world population.

If Allah (God) wills, these plots and schemes will come to nothing, I’m just hoping and praying that he/she intervenes sooner rather than later. It’s most unfortunate to witness that the globalists seem to think that they are in full control of humanity, however, it’s a relief to know that the creator has the last say and is far beyond the petty plots and schemes of these globalists. They simply have no say on the ebb and flow of the tide, the movement of the heavenly bodies, the life forces above and below. Let those that have the will, courage and vision, engage in doing the right thing for the sake of humanity.

Just would like to end on reminding those in power that they need to abide by the Laws of Karma. Those in the healthcare profession must remind themselves of the Hippocratic Oath and abide by it principle.

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Apr 11·edited Apr 11Liked by Mike Donio

Beautiful picture! I was in a partial area and was ready with my eclipse glasses, but it was very cloudy and overcast so we saw nothing! Several of us at work kept checking. We were so disappointed.

The amount of fear during COVID, especially due to the fear-mongering by the government and media, was distressing. I even had a close Christian friend that was afraid to leave her house for over a year. I never felt afraid. I know the Lord is in control.

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Looks like this comment may have posted to the wrong article. Weird but not the first time I’ve seen that happen.

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Thank you. I completely agree that the Lord is in full control and my faith is in Him.

God Bless 🙏🏼

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Dear Mike,

you wrote about God:

He does not make mistakes.

Nothing that He creates is defective.

However, in the first chapters of the Hebrew book Genesis we find the following:

1. Everything He made was good. But then He discovered later and "said" it is NOT GOOD that man (Adam) be alone, so Eve was provided.

2. He made the tree of (eternal) Life, which might also have been the tree of Knowledge, as well as the fruits, mushrooms and other plants, that causes hallucinations. Not telling the naive and ignorant Adam, who new nothing of Evil or Deceit, that he might be tempted...

3. The Hebrew God also made the snake (occult priest?), allowed it into the garden, with ignorant man and his inquisitive wife, but the snake was also called Good!

4. Later this God felt that He made a MISTAKE by creating man. However, He went further and made it worse by killing All His creatures, except Noah and those in the Arc - allowing His mistake to repeat itself - even to a much greater extent with violence, corruption and abuse - endless, unthinkable torture and suffering!

5. Then He unilaterally chose Abram, whose parents worshiped the Moon God Sin, to form the clan Ish.ra.el, with Moses, the magician, to mislead them into accepting Yah, an Egyptian moongod, at Mt. Sinai (the mountain dedicated to the Semetic moongod, Sin) as their tribal God.

I think this is enough.

My point is that we have been deceived to believe in a good, caring God. Even the Zionists admits that the Biblical God is not their God but rather Lucifer - the Light bearer!

I know no god at all, and this is devastating to me! But nobody are ignorant of the sufferings on earth. Evil Does exist - and it came through whichcraft and drugs. It's manifestation is manifold: tyrants, wars, secret organisations, the Jesuites, Illuminati, Zionists...

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Excellent post Mr. Donio. In spite of numerous scriptures that tell us we are not to live in fear, most people including many believers, fail to heed the word and instead are quick to embrace their fear when push comes to shove. The opposite of fear is faith and our Creator makes it very clear that it is impossible to please Him without faith (Hebrews 11:6). It is why in Revelation we see who will not get into His Kingdom, it mentions first the FEARFUL, then the liars, murderers etc. Obviously the fearful have no faith. When it comes right down to it a fearful believer is not a believer at all. Which is a very bad place to be.

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Thank you 🙏🏼

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Feb 25Liked by Mike Donio

I’m definitely with you in your comments. It really bothered me that so many Christians became fearful about covid when God has told us so many times not to be fearful but to have faith in His help & provision. The fact that they were fearful was dishonouring to God, as it really meant that they believed they were helpless against covid, when God has given us such an amazing immune system and an abundance of amazing foods to keep us in good health, as well as so much guidance on the way to live a healthy life- physically, emotionally & spiritually. (one of which is “do not fear” as that interferes with our faith & confidence & suppresses the immune system!)

Churches became communities of fear, rather than faith, as they too easily abandoned times of worshipping together and accepted ridiculous rules about staying indoors, keeping a metre or two away from people, wearing masks, using toxic sanitizers etc., and then treating people who took responsibility to keep themselves healthy the natural way that God has provided as if they were second class citizens. Definitely a lot of conformity to worldly ways & lack of discernment in assessing what was happening and what was driving it.

I also think that blind faith in doctors & scientists is a modern form of idolatry. They are humans & definitely not infallible. Just because they are experts in certain areas does not mean that they are honest, righteous, and not driven by selfish motives or financial gain. The Bible warns repeatedly about the deceitfulness, greed, lust for power, arrogance and contempt for God & His laws that exists in the world.

I just pray that people will see the light & not be so gullible next time round, otherwise we will end up with the totalitarianism we have allowed ourselves to be led into.

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I thoroughly agree with you, Alyson. I was disheartened by the lack of Faith during COVID, especially of Christians. I worked hard to take personal responsibility for my health since 2005, get off 5 Pharma meds for asthma/allergies after two years of allergy shots never helped, and then I documented everything and put it into a book--now updated in it's 2nd edition. No way was I going to put those mRNA emergency injections into my body temple! I couldn't believe how fast the churches shut down during lockdown and didn't stand up right then for our Freedoms! We saw how fast they bowed down to Scientism/Materialism "Central Dogma" with Allopathic medicine's roots in witchcraft (look at the AMA logo for God's sake). Anyway, I will continue to preach all things natural health and alternative wellness til the end of my days, breathing deep and clear! Tada!

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Mar 3Liked by Mike Donio

God will take me when it is my time, and not before. I have no control over my death. This, it is GOD's hands. Therefore to worry about 'covid' killing me, is to well, deny God. I do say i have faith in God, only that I believe when my number is up, its up, and I don't worry about what or how or can it be avoided. It can't. It is your TIME to GO. And therefore, no worries about Covid entered my mind. Weird? I do not know. Just I never saw where the fear was coming from, until someone told me I would put others at risk. I said to them : if you are jabbed and it works, why are you afraid of ME? And they told me because I could kill someone not jabbed. And I told them: well... if they aren't jabbed it is not for lack of opportunity so maybe they feel like I do? And it caused them such agony to even think that they fled from me... reeeing all the way.

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"You see, most churches and religious organizations are directly connected to the government via their 501c3 status."

I think you might be misstating the situation. Churches are free from paying taxes to the state based on the Constitution. If a state tried to punish churches by initiating taxes, the action would be overturned by the Supreme Court, if not earlier in the legal process. I agree that the churches should have stayed opened (or at least opened much earlier than many of them did), but I think you get the reasons wrong. To be fair, church leaders were not in the position to care for the sick during a truly deadly epidemic, as during plagues of the past, they were fearing that they would be irresponsible, appear unloving to the community, to allow congregants to catch an illness that might send them to the hospitals that they were being told were overburdened.

Also, you paint churches and religion with a very broad brush. Some churches did far better than others. You don't just chuck all of them into the succumbing-to-evil basket.

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