Sorry, just thought of something else though. I also think many who succumbed to the worldly fear WILL be shown grace and mercy at the end of their lives. I sure hope so.

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It sure seems many who call themselves Christians are cultural Christians. The early Christians you wrote about had no fear of death. WIN if I help God's purposes here, and WIN if I die trying. Maybe that is a demarcation line of some sort. Listening to and following the world's way of doing things is the exact opposite of The Bible.

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If you take a look at the testimonies of the first Christian converts in the Roman empires, they were often moved to convert by seeing Christians go out on a field of battle and succor the wounded indiscriminate of what side they were on; or go into the houses of the sick fearlessly to provide help and relief. So what you are saying makes perfect sense.

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And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love...🎶🎵

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Sep 20Liked by Mike Donio

You have a good voice for podcast. Maybe practice a faster tempo or reading a script to keep it moving along. Good post. People already too isolated from one another with heads in their phones but to add a mask and 6 ft distance was the mother of beasts to destroy the heart of humanity.

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Sep 20Liked by Mike Donio

He did not give us the spirit of fear but of power, love and common sense. To him who knows to do right and does not do it, to him it is sin. Pray for courageous hearts.

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Sep 19Liked by Mike Donio

Btw they are bringing it again and some never got the message CoVid Ended the trial run is over. I know in the East NE where family lives it’s still being pushed & masking still a thing many places. A new sa-MRna self replicating Vax is ready for release…sold as the must have! 🤦🏻‍♀️💥🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🔥🙃

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Sep 19Liked by Mike Donio

Love this message! 💯🎯! I felt betrayed when my church shut the doors and we couldn’t worship! When they opened up had to sit 6ft apart, no hugging! Well I refused & never MUZZELED either anywhere.Most vaxed and a number died & well etc etc. I sent these verses from Hebrews to my then Pastor. I felt the church leaders put themselves bowed to the beast & betrayed the FLOCK. They are not 501C-3 either!

Here is the scripture I stood on. Hebrews 10:22 Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water.

Hebrews 10:23 Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;)

Hebrews 10:24 And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:

Hebrews 10:25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

Hebrews 10:26 For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,

Hebrews 10:27 But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.

Loraine, Love in Christ.🙏🏼🕊🙌🏼🔥 I will not betray my fellow man over a plandemic fake or real. I will not bow to the Beast then or now or future. The govt cannot compell us to sin against GOD or one another. I will not light myself on fire to keep the social justice warriors warm trying to shame me to take a poison jab! That included my family too btw. 🙏🏼😇🕊🙌🏼🔥

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Great advice here. Accepting Jesus as our savior comes with responsibility. He said we were to be the salt of the earth, because where there's no salt things will rot. We're also supposed to be the light...

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"No, the churches told us to do the exact opposite."

Actually, it was church "leaders" who told us to do the opposite. And that should tell us something: that we are perhaps misguided in following them. If they can't lead us in a crisis when we need them most, then they're not who we should call on for spiritual guidance.

Most churches allowed the gov't to close them, despite the law. In fact, many received "stimulus" funds of up to $1 million during Covid. In those cases, there was more incentive to close than to remain open to fight for free assembly and to offer in person support to their congregations.

There were a handful of ministers who refused to comply. Some were jailed repeatedly. They are the spiritual leaders.

Crises, while difficult, are excellent at revealing truth.

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I see this EVERY single day in response to survivors (of the various and depraved harms spoken directly about in Scirpture) who dare to attempt to not go down into the ashes with the enemy.

So often what the survivors witness is not only everyone running fast and far away, but those runners screaming things like, “There IS no fire! You’re delusional!” Or “You need to get your head (or heart) checked, because I don’t like the way those ‘burns’ look on you!”

Father, I cannot overcome my own trauma to run back into those survivor’s burning buildings without You. Renew my mind, so that I am not seeing their ‘burns,’ but them, as YOUR children. And wash my mind with Your Truth that tells me exactly how NOT to be afraid of the enemy’s fire.

Thank you for this post, @Still in the Storm; you are so right!

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Sep 19Liked by Mike Donio

Yes, I agree! I kept thinking it was the MOTB because my workplace insisted on it and my new workplace insisted on it. I moved in between to make sure I could afford my home if I lost my job. I asked God to guide me and he offered up a better job and was asked this again. I did a religious exemption for both and both times it was accepted. Although the first job they threatened to cut my pay. God kept telling me to leave our old town. My husband thought I was nuts, but having had similar moments where God spoke to me in the past, but didn’t listen I knew I was in good hands and made all of His moves. Secure now and much stronger in my faith from trusting in Him!

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Wow Yes Right On! Especially now that we see the covert activities of the enemy are slowly becoming overt as they normalize the cowardace of backboneless lukewarmity. In the War of the Gulf (1990-1991), I was appointed as a CCP Team member. Due to the expectancy of high casualties during the coming ground war, we were trained as combat lifesavers & given backpacks w/all kinds of medical materials to provide first-aid. Our trucks would be used as casualty carriers & we would evacuate the casualties to a CCP. In the face of combat, we were ready to provide that support because we would never leave a fallen comrade. Lucky for us, there were minimal casualties. However, the fate of the other side was grave & the true horrors of this fallen world were witnessed. I meandered through a young man's life lost but thank God He finally guided me in the right direction.

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"Backboneless lukewarmity" is an adjective, newly minted for these times!

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Meant to say an excellent adjective...

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Sep 20Liked by Mike Donio


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