Thanks for article. But it makes me ill. the intensity of the wickedness.

Ghastly. barbaric. insane. and wicked. So cleverly done to make it look like its helping, and the statistics played with to make it look like vaccines help. And hide the damage and death they cause. And the real cures, hidden or avoided. Yes there are so so many other ways to heal the body, ward off disease, keep healthy, get rid of parasites (more common than we like to think). Those behind it will have to answer to God for it one day. In the meantime, we need to be wise. Cannot do this to your babies, or your family. Our job to be their protector.

But Rejoice! We have a quickly coming Lord. Rev 22. 11-13

It would be interesting if all the makers and promoters had to take them first. administered by someone vaccine injured. Then we'd see, vaccine after vaccine. MMR and DPT and Flu shots, and Booster Galore. I wonder if they would even get one. Not likely but you get my point.

How many of the promoters, and makers, and CDC, FDA, etc., ever got the shots? I bet 0%. I don't believe the videos of them getting it either.

I wonder if any of the doctors (that aren't vaccinated themselves) think, what they will do for a living once they've killed the population all off? And what do the Medical Mafia and WEF persons with their insane and brainless plans, think they will do with their lives if the minions that once built their cars, planted and harvested their food, milled their flour, baked their bread, ran their toilet paper factories, wove their rugs, built their houses, milled the wood, etc. , are all dead? Oh and fly the planes, and run the hospitals and perform surgery. When they all are dead. how will they function? Have whales and squirrels do the work? Or....

Will they do the work? :) ;))

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!!! I had used 1 Cor. 6:19-20 as one piece of many in my religious exemption write up (so as not to take the CV jab):

Vaccine ingredients are an assault to the body God created

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.

Vaccine ingredients can include carcinogens, neurotoxins, human and animal tissues/DNA, allergens, and heavy metals, all of which are completely unnatural to inject into the body. How can these be injected in the name of ‘health’?! These ingredients can cause serious harm and even death to the body and knowingly injecting a dangerous substance like this would be akin to suicide. As a Christian, I do not believe in suicide.

Again, I sincerely believe in NOT injecting foreign substances, entirely unnatural, into my God-given body.

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excellent stand. thanks for that!!!!!!!!!

What can be more powerful and more final that Gods Word?

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Thanks, Mike, for sharing this. Just when you think this is as crazy as it can get, it gets crazier.

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As an avid studier of anatomy and physiology, I find the idea of vaccination an antithesis to the body and health. God put a certain number holes in our body. Some let things in, some let things out, and most do both! I have yet to find, anywhere on my body, a hole designed to accommodate a needle. We were designed with innate defenses at the points where things come into the body. I'll put my trust in that design.

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“Pregnant people “

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Yeah. Makes this woman's blood boil to see that.

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It's mind boggling indeed how so many still can't see what is happening. I call them tiny swords because they are a weapon indeed.

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They are not vaccines, they are implants.

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What is striking to me is the extremely effective propaganda campaign the CDC, government, AMA, and other agencies have done over the years about vaccines. They are considered not only "safe and effective" but essential to good health by the majority of people. Those of us who dare to question their efficacy or safety are labeled "anti-vaxxers" which has become a pejorative akin to someone wearing a tinfoil hat. Look at how RFK Jr. has been vilified. His own party turned on him, mostly because he has spoken out publicly about the Covid "vaccine" (that isn't one) and the vaccine program in general.

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As RFK Jr., Del Bigtree, and others have pointed out, why have autoimmune diseases skyrocketed in the past 40+ years? When I was a child, we got maybe 7 vaccines. Not it's up to 70+ doses. Why isn't anyone investigating to see if in this case, correlation is linked to causation? Autism is becoming common when it used to be rare! And that's just one example.

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This is ludicrous all of these vaccines! You're right, this is mind-blowing. I hope most people won't fall for this lunacy. Thank you for your well-written article.

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Especially RSV. The 1984 Vaccine indemnity bill has attracted Pharma dollars like flies to manure, but no one in the FDA knows how to do a risk-benefit analysis especially with unknown future risks. They should be forced to sue their risk benefit analysis every year, updating it with the relevant information from VAERS and from ongoing vaxxed versus unvaxxed studies. The FDA should also be held liable for errors in the risk benefit analysis.

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I had to go to the Dr in NJ and all the private practices around here have recently been bought out and are now in a conglomerate called Hackensack Meridian. Hackensack was a premier hospital. I know because I had surgery there and I was amazed at how well I was treated there so I thought maybe this was a good thing. Boy was I wrong! So I show up for my appointment and was told to put on a mask sign in and sit down and wait to be called. I said NO! I will not wear a mask, I was told it's their policy. I said I am an American citizen and I have rights and you cannot force me to do something against my will. Next the supervisor came and repeated what I was told and I told him the same thing I told the other person and he said "well then you won't be seen". I left and called Hackensack Meridian conflict resolution department. Ha! What a joke. The women who answered said that's the policy and if you don't like it you can go to another doctor. I asked to speak to someone above her and she refused to give me a name or transfer me. I was furious! I got home and went online. I posted numerous times on their FB page about my very negative experience. No response. I sent two emails to 2 different email addresses I got online and no reply. Just today it was in the newspaper that CV cases are way down in NJ, so what's up with this policy?? This is medical tyranny, it is against the constitution and it is against the Nuremberg Law! Soon, unless you do everything you're told, you will not be able to go to a doctor unless you have gotten every single vaccine they want you to have or else and unless you wear a mask! I will not accept this! I will fight it! But it's hard! The waiting room was full of masked up faces! Idiots! No one sticks up for themselves! We ALL MUST RESIST!!

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Wow- Im in NJ. Which Hackensack Hospital was this? I have to see my endocrinologist in March at Jersey Shore.

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Sorry! Just eeing this, but it doesn't matter which one. It is a blanket policy covering all who are under the Hackensack Meridian umbrella.

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NEEDED…smart awake citizens to help with this critical 2024 project!

This project should be a huge help to turn America back in the right direction instead of falling off a Cliff…

We need ALL hands on deck ASAP!

Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!

Contact ASAP here to join us…Northamericanlawcenter@gmail.com

Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


You will be standing with the best!!!

P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!

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Love and agree with everything you said. I’ve seen the truth and can never unsee. It’s so easy to see once you’ve seen it and you’re wondering how did this never dawn on me before. I could list very basic questions that if I had ever thought to ask would have exposed the truth much earlier.

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Like I've said all along. People sure have done pretty good for thousands of years -- without all these "magic cures."

I just can't believe that anyone would believe that all of this is necessary. If it were, we [humans] would never have made it this far.

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‘They’ have done this for decades since 1986. Anne Dachel warns about how ‘neurodiversity’* is bankrupting and forcing entire societies to change.

*(not what it sounds like, the ‘ND’ label is a clever tool of deception - hiding up aluminum-induced encephalopathy? God gives everyone a unique personality, so by Yahweh’s standards we’re all ‘neurodiverse’, not the way the DSM-5 psychiatry ‘bible’ says)

Money alone cannot be the reason. It must be eugenics, sadism (gaining pleasure from others’ suffering) and collapsing entire economies and state/regional economies.


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Very accurate in everything. "THEY" have always been behind every conflict

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Right on.

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