"I believe science can reveal God’s nature and purpose."

Definitely yes. The further I walk with God the more I see that.

"Yes, the creation is God’s handiwork, His masterpiece. It’s also His self-portrait."

True. A masterpiece of desire and design.

"We just have to remember to stay focused on the creator and not the creation."

Agreed. Creative distractions will destroy God's purpose for us.

"And, our true food is not physical bread and water but, living bread and water, which are in reality Jesus Christ."

Yes...and what a wonderful gift Christ is for us all!

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Interesting that RFKJr mentioned not only a health crisis, but a spiritual crisis, and that they are related. Seems reasonable

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I’m with you for the most part I would just want it clarified we are CREATED IN THE IMAGE OF GOD, our Fallen state in the Flesh of Carnal Man is in Sin & rebellion to GOD. It takes the Cross of Christ & Christ IN us to RECONCILE us with GOD & BE going BACK TO THE GARDEN B4 Adam Fell. I love love the Analogous parable of The Body of Christ and our mirror of the Spiritual body which is clearly to be Image Bearers of Christ to the World & will be completed in our GLORIFIED STATE. All for the sole purpose of Glorifying & Magnifying THE LORD GOD! Our Natural habitat is GOD’s Eternal Heavenly Kingdom & we Only get there by being in Christ as He feeds us his Spiritual Food & Living Water; rep in His Body & Blood on the Cross at Calvary. And given to us in His WORD 📖the 🗡Sword of the Spirit! Keep the great messages Coming to illustrate this is US as GOD’s Children & who HE CREATED us to be for HIM. ❤️😇🙏🏼🕊🙌🏼🔥

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Thank you, Mike, this was a good article, that encouraged me a lot. It's good to get back to the basics and to call out the lies we hear in the news, especially the subtle lies about what is science and what is not. Hebrews 2:1: "Therefore we ought to give the most earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip."

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Thank you, Diana. I really appreciate that. It is definitely good to get back to basics at times as there is so much deception all around us. God bless.

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Good article, thank you.

Just food for thought about DNA, they have plans for it. It's very possible that via the COVID injections they did this:

The COVID Vaccine Could An Extra Helix to DNA Going from 10-5-6-5 Y-H-V-H to 10-5-6-6-6-5: https://old.bitchute.com/video/98g9MzTMGjbv [1:12mins]

Patent that can do this:





Cytosine in Meteorites:


Triple Helix Tree of Life, Presented by the Late Queen


If true, it's not a problem, Jesus always provides a way out through faith, prayer, and fasting:

Modern Bibles Missing Matthew 17:21 - Is this the Trick to Recover from the COVID Injections: https://old.bitchute.com/video/dHwgte2MIn5e [1:26mins]

Matthew 17:21: However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.

Mark 9:29: And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting.

That is referring to casting out demons... It takes 3-4 days of fasting to enter autophagy...

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Thank you!

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