Welcome to another post on the Still in the Storm Substack.
One of the main points of focus for my writing on Still in the Storm has to do with how science can glorify God, even reveal His very nature and purpose.
I think it is important to talk about this especially in light of what happened during covid where science was effectively turned into a religion.
This will be an ongoing discussion as it is way too big to cover in any one post.
Today, I want to just reframe things and look at some of the main ways that I believe science can reveal God’s nature and purpose.
I hope this will lay the context for a greater discussion where I can go into detail on each of the topics below.
All of creation reveals God's nature.
Yes, the creation is God’s handiwork, His masterpiece. It’s also His self-portrait.
All that we see in the physical world is an image or reflection of the real thing.
“The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship.” - Psalm 19:1 NLT
“For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.” - Romans 1:20 NASB
“This truth is that the natural, the material and organic creation is intended to embody and represent a vast counterpart of intangible thought and principles. In a word, the created universe is a vast symbolism.” - T. Austin-Sparks from Horizoned by Life
Science is the means by which we learn and gain insight into all of these things in the natural world.
If they are truly parables or reflections of the reality in the spiritual then I believe we can use science as a tool to reveal God and His purpose in His creation.
If our focus is on Jesus Christ, then the more we are amazed by the creation, the deeper we will be led into Him.
We just have to remember to stay focused on the creator and not the creation.
After all, if the natural is a symbol of the spiritual, it should point us to significantly greater things which are true of the higher, the Divine life.
The human body is a parable for the spiritual.
The make up and organization of the human body mirrors that of the Spiritual body, the very body of Christ.
“This being true, we must carry the truth into the realm of life, and see that natural life - as it came from God - is the part of which spiritual or Divine life is the counterpart. What is true of human life is a representation of something much higher - Divine life.” - T. Austin-Sparks from Horizoned by Life
Through science we can learn about the organization and function of the human body. Its complexity is truly mind boggling.
There are two elements of the human body that I think particularly reflect the spiritual, how it is organized and how it is maintained.
The human body is made up of a diverse collection of very highly specialized cell types. Every tissue and organ are made up of unique cells.
Yet they are built up together and function as one. It’s truly spectacular.
Even more so is the fact that they all manage to work together despite their uniqueness.
You could say that they lay down their individual lives for the better of the body.
If they go rogue and start acting in their own interests then we have big problems.
So, what keeps them in line? How does the body orchestrate the process?
It all starts at the head. Within the head are glands that produce hormones which trigger various processes in different cells all throughout the body.
Just think about that for a minute, remembering that the spiritual body is made up of many unique members functioning as one as lead by the head, Jesus.
Habitat and diet determine potential.
Another thing we have learned through science about God’s creation is related to a creature and its habitat as well as its food.
Bear with me for a minute. I’m going to try to present an analogy.
If you place an animal in its natural habitat and feed it its natural diet then it will become what it is intended to.
Conversely, if you take an animal out of its natural habitat and feed it a different diet you will change its nature and the result with be that it will become something less than its full potential.
Just look at any animal in the wild and then compare that to the same animal in captivity.
The difference is startling but, we rarely notice because either we’ve never seen the animal in its natural habitat or we are so distracted by it to not even be concerned even though it’s in captivity.
Despite the fact that humans are (or were created as) the highest form of life on this planet and not animals, this analogy still stands and is another place where the natural symbolizes the spiritual.
Our natural habitat as Christians is not the world system, it’s the church where we live by the very life of the Lord Jesus Christ.
And, our true food is not physical bread and water but, living bread and water, which are in reality Jesus Christ.
Only when we are in our natural habitat and fed the proper nurturing Spiritual diet can we reach our full potential to walk in the work God has prepared for us to fulfill His eternal purpose.
The way we imitate our earthly parents mimics that of how we imitate God.
All human children are imitators of their parents by nature of expression of their parents’ DNA which they were born with.
I’m sure you’ve heard that old nature vs nurture argument.
What I’m referring to here is just the nature side.
Just look at the life deposited in the baby from the parents in the form of the DNA.
When that DNA is expressed the child bears something of the nature of their parents.
We can clearly see this from a physical standpoint where most children look like smaller versions of their parents.
Sometimes the resembles is uncanny.
But, I’m speaking of their mannerisms and personality.
If you watch closely you will see that they inherited some the very same things that their parents do. It’s as if they are imitating them.
However, this isn’t from nurture but rather DNA.
The same is true when we are born again of the Spirit.
We received God's very life and DNA. When we express it we become imitators of God in our lives.
I hope you can now see how, through the use of science, we can visualize how nature indicates and points to the greater and the Eternal.
Science, as in all things, should be done for the glory of God.
Hopefully, we can reclaim it for Him and in so doing bring a greater revelation of His nature and purpose.
Let me know what you think in the discussion below.
Talk soon,
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Interesting that RFKJr mentioned not only a health crisis, but a spiritual crisis, and that they are related. Seems reasonable
Good article, thank you.
Just food for thought about DNA, they have plans for it. It's very possible that via the COVID injections they did this:
The COVID Vaccine Could An Extra Helix to DNA Going from 10-5-6-5 Y-H-V-H to 10-5-6-6-6-5: https://old.bitchute.com/video/98g9MzTMGjbv [1:12mins]
Patent that can do this:
Cytosine in Meteorites:
Triple Helix Tree of Life, Presented by the Late Queen
If true, it's not a problem, Jesus always provides a way out through faith, prayer, and fasting:
Modern Bibles Missing Matthew 17:21 - Is this the Trick to Recover from the COVID Injections: https://old.bitchute.com/video/dHwgte2MIn5e [1:26mins]
Matthew 17:21: However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.
Mark 9:29: And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting.
That is referring to casting out demons... It takes 3-4 days of fasting to enter autophagy...