Welcome to another Still in the Storm Substack post.
Today, I want to share a new sort of poem that I wrote about how much we were called to give up “in the name of science” and just how ridiculous it was.
Here goes…
In the Name of Science
They force-masked our children,
In the name of science.
They shut down beaches,
In the name of science.
They mandated an experimental drug,
In the name of science.
They blocked safe treatments,
In the name of science.
They shut down gyms,
In the name of science.
They shut down churches,
In the name of science.
They kept open liquor stores,
In the name of science.
They determined health via PCR test,
In the name of science.
They discriminated against and harassed,
In the name of science.
They ended our careers,
In the name of science.
They destroyed our lives,
In the name of science.
I want no part of that science.
Let me know what you think in the discussion below.
Talk soon,
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Follow the money ... and you'll find the "science".
Pseudoscience replaces real science. Unconscionable.