One more thing is that when you allow evil you are consenting to it

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First, I enjoyed the podcast however I disagree on only one thing, we need to promote the godliest candidates and I would point to proverbs which says “a nation that is led by evil, the people hide, when the nation is led by the righteous, the people rejoice”.

As well, Deuteronomy 32:43 states rejoice o ye nations with his people for he will avenge the blood of His servants… and yes God is in control but when you look back at His people, Israel, they continued to go into bondage because they would not heed the prophets.

And one other thing that you can find in the Bible is “ my people die for for lack of knowledge “

This is what the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart. And I have tried to tell others about this call of God and have been rejected by some but I am not discouraged! I see the signs of the end times all around when people call good evil and evil good! Even so come Lord Jesus, come!!!

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Great exhortation on this election. The issue is about our allegiance.

A reminder that when we trust God to work things out for His glory, then we can commit our vote to His care. The vote is secondary to our worship and faith in Christ.

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No to voting, to me personally it's giving my allegiance to a worldly leader, polital figures aren't voted in they are put into position. GODS plan will happen regardless, that's just my take.

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good point ! I will vote, but I don't believe in the controlled opposition 2 party system.....local/ state stuff makes a difference....federal stuff, I will pick who I believe best lines up with Biblical values, reading there BIO, & checking if they took PAC/lobby $ from who & how much.....I may leave some fields blank......& leave the rest up to Jesus !

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one thing I have noticed this election cycle, the far left & the far right are just totall crazy, both sides think there candidate is the savior.

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I agree. I’m at a place where I’ll vote if I feel called to but ultimately I’m putting my full faith and allegiance in God. His will not mine. And I also agree that it’s not like we are actually electing anyone at this point. Still, if people want to vote I’m not going to discourage them. We need to lean into our spiritual instincts.

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(You will really have to give a listen/look (he has a few slides) to the YT sermon I sent above https://youtu.be/Ehl3w_ZIc5E?si=hvoWjkSQXd5byOY5 …). Likely because the masses of us Christians did not say NO is why we are where we are culturally in this country. We have it in our numbers to do so! Keep in mind, we will be picking from fellow sinners. We are not voting on a pastor. Think on perhaps the vote that will go in the direction of lessening the impact of evil on our culture. However, do not make enemies with this election as that will sacrifice our mission, take it to King Jesus. (You will see I paraphrased some points made by pastor Robin) Blessings All ~ dl 😊

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Enjoying this in on the Apple podcast Mike… listen while I’m carving in my shop :-)

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Thank you! Glad to hear it.

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Spirits, or souls, are non-localities, of all places simultaneously.

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https://youtu.be/Ehl3w_ZIc5E?si=rcUc4bviFYz8t7bY —another worthwhile sermon we had this Sunday…enthusiastically educational too! I think you will enjoy it!

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Thank you 🙏🏼

I’ll take a look. God bless.

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More importantly, Christians need to read the Book they believe is of the hand of their God.

The following is not to suggest that there is not a Creator. There is, and provably so.

That Creator gave us reason, a sense of justice, and imbued within our conscience the sense of right and wrong.

On the other hand, man-made religions and their gods require that we put those gifts from the Creator aside.

The Bible god/Jesus--

Killed all of humanity except 8 adults in a horrific flood as a lesson on morality. The estimated toll was as much as 4 billion people, including innocent infants, children, adults, and animals. (Genesis 6-9)

Kills the firstborn humans, including innocent infants, children, and animals of the entire Egyptian nation, and then commanded that the slaughter be celebrated yearly as Passover. (Exodus 12; 14; Romans 9:17)

Kills people for making an ointment, burning incense, taking a census (75,000 slaughtered), for not cutting the ends of young boys' penises off or eating fat. (Exodus 30:33; 2 Chronicles 26:19-;1Chronicles 21; Torah)

Forced innocent children to wander and die in a wilderness for forty years because of the sins of the parents. (Numbers 14:33)

Commands killing unbelievers. (Deuteronomy 13; 2 Kings 10)

Condemned to leprosy children, their children, and a king who burned incense. (2 Chronicles 26:19-)

Orders that young boys who disobey or curse their parents be stoned to death. (Exodus 21:17; Deuteronomy 21:18-21)

Starved people, opened the earth to swallow them when they desired to eat, and then sent a plague to kill 14,700 more who complained about it. (Numbers 16)

Killed people for working or gathering sticks on the Sabbath, and for profaning it. (Numbers 15:32-36: Exodus 31:14,15)

Induced venomness snakes to bite people and sent bears out of the woods to tear apart forty-two children who called a man "baldhead." (2 Kings 2:23,24)

Sent a famine that forced people to eat their children, and beheaded seventy innocent sons and put their heads in a pile as a lesson. (2 Kings 6:28-)

Tells men to kill their wives (even if pregnant), children, and friends if they disagree with them on religion, commands no mercy be given, and is wrathful if lives are spared. (Deuteronomy 13:6-; Exodus 32:27)

Condoned Jael lying to a man and driving a tent peg into the man's temple while he slept. (Judges 4:17-21)

Condemned victims for ten generations if they have mutilated sex organs or are of illegitimate birth. (Deuteronomy 23:1-)

Is partial to one race and keeps them in good graces if they commit murder, bash babies to the ground, and rip open pregnant women. (Exodus 22:20; Hosea 13:16; Joshua 10:1-42; 1 Samuel 15:3)

Condones the practice of incest, adultery, genocide, sexism, keeping concubines (300 for Solomon), keeping and beating slaves (with the only limitation being to not injure their eyes or teeth). (Genesis 19; 20; 28; 29; Exodus 21; . . . throughout Torah)

Commands the killing of adulterers and non-virgins brought to marriage. (Deuteronomy 22:20-)

Commanded Jews to slaughter entire cities and to steal all their goods, kill and maim the animals, but keep alive the young virgin maidens to rape for their pleasure. (Deuteronomy 2:34; 3:6; 13; Judges 21; Numbers 31)

The Bible god equates love with having himself in the form of Jesus sacrificially tortured to death. Guilt for this is collectivized by demanding that all people be responsible for the torture that was necessary to make amends for an original sin for which all humans but Adam and Eve had no part, but for which all of humanity is condemned to eternal torture in hell if they don't agree. (Genesis 3; Romans 5:12,14;1John 1:8-10).

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bible has hints of the truth to mask the stench of lets call them corrections or redactions or just high monsters writing the future they wanted to come forth from the pit.they use that bible in the courts all over the place -enough said. the biggest instrument of propo ever.

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Oct 22
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Good point. This is becoming a growing issue these days and it may in fact be the delusion referred to in 2 Thessalonians.

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I disagree. Christians must vote.

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And that is the beauty of it. You can disagree, and I will respect your opinion. Still, we should not be legalistic but led by the Lord's indwelling Spirit. I have zero problem with Christians voting if that is what they feel led to. Most likely, I will vote. It shouldn't be imposed on all Christians, especially if they do not feel called to do so. We need to have grace and respect others so that the Lord will work differently through each of us. Thanks for your reply. God bless.

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Loved your Episode. The Holy Spirit does not work the same way for all. The “vaccinations” are a case in point. Where I was led was not where others were led. All I can do is pray for their good health. And, as for voting, the same will apply. Of course, I’d prefer that people vote, and I’d prefer that they would vote a particular way :) I just love the picture of the three animals representing the two political parties and the lamb. We all know which one matters. Let’s pray that people remember that the day after the election.

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Amen 🙏🏼

Thank you Angelo. Couldn’t agree more that the key is not so much whether you vote but that you remember who has our allegiance.

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