It was such a blessing to read this. What a grace to have such a deep work done in one's heart.

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Thank you! I appreciate that.

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Oct 4Liked by Mike Donio

Mike, I always thoroughly enjoy reading what you write. Thank you! I ran - with a needle chasing me - from a good-paying job, from my home of 30 years, from friends and colleagues, to another state and freedom. It was quite terrifying, I knew no one, I had zero support, and I had also lost my husband of 33 years during this time. But I was alive! And 3 years later I see it as a new chapter of self-discovery, and an opportunity to depend on my Creator and develop a closer relationship with Him. I can never go back to my prior life. I would never even dream of it! I now live in beautiful northern Idaho and I thank God every day for allowing me to live in this beautiful place. Growth is painful. But I have finally learned to trust my instincts, my gut. When I get the inkling now that something just isnt quite right, I listen. It is God gently tapping me on the shoulder. And I have learned to use my voice. Including the ability to say NO when something isnt right. I am so happy your recent past has also been filled with growth, albeit painful. We are alive!

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Thank you, Kathie. I really appreciate that. I'm so sorry for what you had to go through and the loss of your husband. That is wonderful though that the Lord led you to a new and beautiful place. God bless you.

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God is the answer to everything.I am so glad l surrender my life to my Father God and put my armour on as you can get a satan attack at any time.So much wickedness in this world.Of myself l am nothing God holds us up to give us the power to make it through our trials.Thank you for your help Mike and blessings.God bless you 🙏🕊️♥️x

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Yes, He is. I couldn't agree more. Not I, but Christ. Not my will, but His. Thank you. God bless you too.

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Oct 4Liked by Mike Donio

So many difficult spots that our fellow citizens were put in with all that happened. Thanks for sharing this part of your journey. I'm glad that you finally yielded all to God. I'm sure he was waiting for you with open arms!

Blessings to you and your family

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Thank you! I appreciate that. I'm still blown away that no matter how far we stray He is always waiting with open arms for us to come home. My place is definitely with the Lord.

Blessings to you and your family too.

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I'm so glad you wrote this Sir,because it confirms everything I've been saying for years and get scoffed at for saying. So many people still believe that old idea that 'scientists' are disinterested neutral seekers after truth untouched by financial or political concerns.

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Thank you, Jane. I really appreciate that. Unfortunately, many scientists have gone that way but, not all of them and I'm proof of that.

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I hope you can find a new path in life to follow.

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Thank you. I’m trusting in the Lord. His will, not mine.

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Oct 4Liked by Mike Donio

Thank you for setting such a good example for us to follow to God. I am glad you have the loving support of your family through these experiences.

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Thank you 🙏🏼

I appreciate that. Just doing my imperfect best to follow the Lord wherever He leads me.

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Oct 3Liked by Mike Donio

Thank you for speaking out about this! I'm also in the pharmaceutical industry for over 30 years now. I refused to take the mandated jab but I was able to find another job at a pharma company that didn't mandate it. However, I don't like working in pharma anymore and I haven't liked working for pharma even before covid. To me, it was never about climbing the corporate ladder or making more money. I have bills to pay and a family to support. I have to hang in there until I make it to retirement. I don’t know where else to go work to pay the bills other than a minimum wage job. I do pray to God everyday to give me strength to deal with this industry until I can retire ASAP.

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Thank you. Great to meet another pharma veteran who saw through the narrative. It is good you found another job. I know many who have essentially been blacklisted from the industry, including myself. But, I also know what you mean about not wanting to work in pharma anymore. It is very soul sucking. There is no longer any honesty or integrity anymore either. Pray to the Lord and if it is His will I am confident He will show you a way. God bless you.

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Oct 4Liked by Mike Donio

I saw through the narrative because my son was vaccine injuried (autism) about 18 years ago. He was my wake up call.

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You are not alone.

Christ is with us all,

Who answered the call.

We will be victorious !

God Bless and protect you and your loved ones.

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Thank you! God bless you and yours too.

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I have been living in (one of three) van(s) since 1984 with the exception of 50 months spent living in a truck sleeper. There is a declining number of spaces down by any rivers, in my experience...

I like Eben Alexander's take on God the best of the dozens I've heard.

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Mike, I so understand where you are coming from, and I also struggle to figure out how to move on. God bless you, and thank you for standing strong in your faith.

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Noelle, thank you. Yes, it is a constant struggle but, I thank God that we are not alone. He is going through it with us and we will come out better for it. My trust is in Him despite also being frustrated with moving on. Stay strong.

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I feel that. I wanted to be a university professor. Got the degrees and even a two-year gig at an L1 research university. DEI and the following shakedown ensured my not being considered for another position. (Note--DEI had noble ideals, but people were involved and people like power. That's why we can't have nice things.)

So, that dream was pulled away. I write for God. I write for myself. I write to learn. It would be lovely to generate an income, but that, too, is elusive. I'm not a victim. I just keep pressing on with a low-paying job as an online tutor and devoting my energies to developing as a scholar and writer for whomever wants to read for the glory of God.

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So sorry to hear that Stephanie. Thank you for sharing. I'm glad to hear you've persevered. I too was attached to generating an income and a sizable one at that but, I've realized that within Christ are riches far greater than anything we can find on earth. I know that God has and will continue to bless your writing so don't stop. Thank you.

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God is faithful!!! :)

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Oct 4Liked by Mike Donio

My gut tells me you are in a growth spurt and that wonderful things are in your future. How exciting! Trust your Creator, he will lead you where you need to go.

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Oct 3Liked by Mike Donio

Thanks for sharing this. I have two friends that were fired for not talking the jab. One a chemistry major the other a biology major. They don’t have jobs and living off savings I guess. They think it’s not right that they can only get a job at a fast food restaurant. I sent him this stack because I didn’t know how to express to them what you just shared. They are Christians and it seems to me they are still relying on self not God. What God has done for you will be part of your testimony. The ole saying?..Let go..Let God..seems to be something to implement. They may not speak to me again but I have been praying about this and running conversations through my brain about what to say and God sent along your stack. Please pray they will take it well just coming from a friend and sister in Christ.

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Thank you. Good to know of more scientists who were willing to question the narrative. I know what they are going through because I was there. I thought jobs like that were beneath me too. It's the way of many in our profession. We have big egos. The Lord is definitely trying to work that one out in me. I have become a big proponent of trusting in the Lord and letting go. I think you did the right thing and the best thing we can do is to pray for them. The Lord will hear and respond in His own time. Nothing is too hard for Him. God bless you sister.

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Oct 3Liked by Mike Donio

What a wonderful man you are. Bless you, bless you.

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Thank you. That means a lot. God bless you too.

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Oct 3Liked by Mike Donio

You need to research FBI agent Marcus Allen's story. You'd make quite a team



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Thank you, Ken. I will take a look. Appreciate it.

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Oct 3Liked by Mike Donio

Thanks, Mike. I have had a very similar journey and have had a hard time letting go. Trying to give up the anger and bitterness to just soldier ahead. It's a lonely path, and helps to hear from others who have walked it. It was worth it, even though it doesn't feel that way to me most days.

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Thank you. It's definitely not easy. I've had a lot of ups and downs along the way. And yes it is lonely which is why its so great connecting with people here. God bless you.

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Oct 4Liked by Mike Donio

CP0707, you are alive! Embrace that. Trust God and let Him lead, then listen. Growth is painful, but oh so worth it!

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This is true. Thank you for the kind words, Kathie

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