The other thing is how many churches shut down because they were deemed “nonessential “?

How many men and women could not provide for their families because “nonessential “ small businesses were shut down?

And sadly the compliance was overwhelmingly.

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You have to look at the whole CV thing through the eyes of God. How is it He allowed this to happen?

Back in May of 2001, I open my Bible like I always do. I just open it up and read it. To wherever my hands and God guides me. That day it landed on the story of Job. A Childran of my spine knowing that this story was meant specifically for me in the future. The message was everything would be taken from me but returned. Several months later on September 11, 2001 the world of all of the heart. I lost about $1 million of my business. By 2009 I went through a tumultuous public divorce, lost my home, many friends and even family. Even my car.

But God picked me up and kept me going. Wallace a little bad loving new husband and a wonderful life in the country. And I got a new car. Then do thousand and 20 hit with COVID-19 and I knew it was all part of the same trial. Together my husband and I stayed strong throughout the whole ordeal. Being mostly retired it didn’t affect our pocket online too much.

We all traded materialism, and earthliness for our dedication to God. God bless you Mike! God gave us all a strong wake up call and challenge. We answered. ✨💜🙏

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Mike I saw this for what it was from day one. Although it has a lot to do with the Holy Spirit that guides me since my NDE that gave me my pacemaker, and more importantly my undeniable supernatural Holy Spirit experience where I was activated like Paul on the road to Damascus, and shown many things. You might say I am biased. I am led to things, and understand perfectly exactly what,why, and how it is that everything I see is directly related to Revelation, or The Apocalypse. Both words simply mean to reveal the unveiling of the truth. The unveiling started with my Holy Spirit experience where I stood before God with my cloud of witnesses in attendance as my personal cup was poured into the Holy Grail of my redeemer. This was the most profound, and yes painful experience of my life. It’s very disturbing to see your sin through Gods perspective. It’s exactly as scripture says nothing hidden remains hidden, nothing covered remains covered. And I will tell you that what I learned from this experience is that the worst lies of all are the lies against the heart strings God places in us that we lie to ourselves about to protect our fragile ego ,feelings, or sin.For me the parable of the 10 virgins applied with the realization that none of us including myself save ourselves. We are all sinners, and filthy rags in Gods perspective. One thing is for certain,and that is that we do not save ourselves. I had to die, and have an undeniable experience to learn that so I hope people don’t take it lightly.

I can’t explain it however I see things now, and how what is happening relates to Revelation these things are like an open book. I often ask myself why me why am I burdened with this truth unfolding in real time? It’s my pentence I suppose for my sinful life,because honestly like Paul I was no saint, and that was very disturbing when my undeniable supernatural Holy Spirit experience came.

As I said I see everything now, and much of what I see happening in the world is more disturbing than my personal cup having been poured out.

I see them setting up the mark of the beast, I see why they are desperate to enslave humanity before we fully awaken to their corruption. I see that it has nothing to do with the reason given it has everything to do with self preservation, and they believe that complete control over the masses through technocracy is the only way for them to achieve that self preservation goal. In short they know that we are walking up. They know how corrupt they have operated for centuries, and the greedy why.

Much of Covid was merely the biggest racketeering theft of wealth in history, but these parasites never just kill one bird with one stone much of what happened had to do with their nanotechnology experiments. That and their true goal of inevitably linking the brain to AI to map the consciousness so as to be capable of downloading the consciousness into a mechanical body, or a super quantum computer generated universe where they intend to be a programmer god. Like I said I see things that I was oblivious to prior to the experience. But as I researched it I became more, and more confident about my vision, and their ultimate goal. They of course want a continuous mandatory vaccine program for the continuation of their experiments, the mark of the beast goal and I believe they want an undetectable culling program.

Yes they are that evil. They have none of Gods promises in them all they see is gloom, and doom.Perhaps they see their own demise, and rightfully so.

As I said they are a open book, and much of what they are pursuing is unthinkable to normal people however if you listen to their gay atheist globalist guru who they jokingly call their messiah he is openly talking about their goals. His name is Yuval Noah Harari , and he is the best man to listen to to fully comprehend their goals of their “ under the skin surveillance system” that they also refer to as their “ Hackable human concept “. He has openly stated that the goal is a triple helix one being programmable. This Iron mixed with clay goal he has said that they anticipate being capable of reading our most personal innermost thoughts, and planting thoughts in our minds. His words not mine.

This of course is the Abomination of Desolation standing in the temple of our bodies. Revelation 18:23 gives us the very method that these “ great merchants” use to deceive the world. The word Sorcery is used. Sorcery has the same exact definition as pharmakia in Greek ( witchcraft, potion 💉, or medicine) . Is there any doubt that a injectable nanotechnology ( scorpion sting) will be used for all of their technological goals? The Mark of the beast, and even the original sin to eat from the forbidden fruit of knowledge, and to become as gods.I personally cannot think of a more forbidden fruit than to change my God given DNA 🧬 in the pursuit of becoming a programmer god that can manifest things upon thinking about them in a man made false salvation ( defeated death)within a super quantum computer generated universe indistinguishable from reality. Again these are their words not mine. They are not your everyday people either they are very powerful oligarchs who control most cabinet’s worldwide just as Klaus Schwab he has no problem telling us how they have compromised most governments. He even called Putin a young leadership program graduate. PUTIN . He openly admitted that Justin Trudeau’s cabinet is under his control, and one look at the young leadership program graduates in worldwide leadership is very telling. These globalist parasites are EVERYWHERE! They are the same exact people who just committed the Covid crimes!

We need to arrest everyone involved with the protocols, lockdown in lockstep, and mandating, and not offer a plea deal to anyone not willing to testify, and point further up the pyramid of corruption until there is no further up to point. This will happen again, and again if we don’t get serious about the Nuremberg code violations, and unbelievably they offered themselves up to us on a silver platter by violating the genocide laws. The genocide laws were violated the moment they created a new class of people to discriminate against when they refused the unvaccinated life safety transplants, and off label medical that would have prevented 80-90 % of the deaths from their man made crime against humanity virus.

Anyway please share as they have deleted,or suspended my accounts on most platforms.

Gee, I wonder why? Just kidding I know exactly why. 😂

Sincerely ,Ken Curtis.

~ Simplestone ~

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I’ve been a believer all my life. I told my friends and family not to get it. My immediate family listened. Blessed for sure. I told my place of employment that I would quit first. They didn’t push it. But since then the place was sold, so I’m finding myself looking for employment anyway. But I do trust God has a plan for me, even tho it’s been ruff. I’m trusting him.

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Faith is more important than anything else today!

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I can’t even read your beautiful article right through, much as I appreciate. God is great

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Hello from the UK. Many thanks for your post. I consider that COVID 19 was a test from God, to separate the sheep from the goats and refine many. There were lots of clues to help people get the right answers and things became more and more absurd to make it quite obvious.

Thankfully the holy Spirit gave me wisdom to research in 2020 and I realised by June that year that all I had been told about vaccines for example was wrong. I knew that 'flu vaccines were pointless as people fell ill anyway after having them, including my wife who had one in 1989 before I met her.

I have done a great deal on the fraud of vaccines but I have also done this send up of the whole affair as an exam which people have had to take.


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Aug 5Liked by Mike Donio

I have been a Christian for most of my life, but I failed Almighty God miserably when it came to the Covid vaccination. What even makes it worse is that every ounce of discernment in my mind was saying no, & I took the shot anyway. I could blame 100 different reasons for my choice, but when it comes right down to it, the onus was on me, & I made a very poor choice. My Blessed Hope has always been Jesus Christ, & I pray that He has forgiven me.

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I don’t know if this will help. However the jab is not the mark. It’s leading up to the mark , but they are not quite there yet. The threshing floor choice will be one that you knowingly change your God given DNA 🧬 for the ability to live forever in a man made defeated death. I had a NDE that gave me my pacemaker, and more importantly my undeniable supernatural Holy Spirit experience just prior to the outbreak. I can’t explain it however I see things now that I was oblivious to prior to the experience. I feel like I was activated like Paul on the Road to Damascus in the experience. A honest to God undeniable supernatural experience. I don’t call it undeniable because others can’t deny it as they certainly can, and frequently do. I call it undeniable because I however cannot deny it. God made sure of that. Anyway the jab ( this time) is not the mark. That will be a gene editing technology that will indeed be a injectable nano technology. Those who accept it will do so after denying God, and they will do it for the ability to live after their death ( false salvation) . They will know exactly what they are doing so don’t worry about the jabs, they have ways to dissolve the current nanotechnology in your body. Remember your faith. Also research the gay atheist globalist guru Yuval Noah Harari, that the globalist jokingly call their messiah. He is very open about the intentions of the “Hackable human concept” that, and receiving a triple helix instead of your God given double helix 🧬. It is the triple helix that is the mark. With it you will be programmed, and the Abomination of desolation will be standing in the temple of your body.

Make no mistakes about it that they will take your fear of death to manipulate you into their soul trap.

These things are approaching with the intensity of birthing pains now so remember your faith.

Sincerely, Ken Curtis.

~ Simplestone ~

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As is written "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." That is the promise, and all things are 'Yes' in Christ Jesus.

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Aug 7Liked by Mike Donio

Praying for you, Kimberly.

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Aug 7Liked by Mike Donio

If only everyone could admit this, it would never ever happen again. God bless you for the honesty

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Aug 5Liked by Mike Donio

Sooo many of our “God fearing” republican friends failed the Covid test. Got the jabs, didn’t even TRY to push back on their employers. A few even vaccinated their own children. Others got vaccines to go on vacations. My In-laws all freaked and did the social distancing to such an extreme, Nieces and nephews touting their vaccine status. My husband and I had unbelievable good discernment from the get-go,, we thank God for that knowledge regularly. We’ve been blessed many times over for following his lead.

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God or pharmakeia ?

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Aug 3Liked by Mike Donio

Absolutely a test from God. Thankyou Mike.

I was fired from my job as a nurse,and my husband left. (Vic, Australia).I am still unable to work as a nurse,a 35 yrs career I loved. But God released me from a troubled marriage and sent me on a speedy journey back to the faith I was raised with.

Covid turned my life upside down which was exactly what was required

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GOD is Separating the Wheat 🌾 from the Chaff 👹

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Aug 3Liked by Mike Donio

I totally saw it as a test! I was sooo disappointed in so many churches for closing their doors. God is going to take me home on His time, and in His way. I am not going try to hide or fight it. What He has waiting for me is unbelievably better than anything in this world. As Christians, why were so many so afraid of death? 6 ft and a mask is no match for God!

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Amen Sister! Agree 100%.

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Aug 2Liked by Mike Donio

It definitely seemed that way to me too, that the whole thing was a test from God. My husband was undergoing cancer treatment when my work mandate came down and he's on my insurance. I agonized over my religious exemption request, spent several weeks preparing it to ensure I was clear, concise, and using appropriate verses to explain my thinking. It was accepted and I'm still employed there today. However it wasn't my chosen career - during the COVID years, I had a brand new master's degree and many interviews (while employed) but no offers. I was blessed by God to know after the fact that the interview/job I was most excited about, and didn't get, that company accepted zero religious exemption requests. I could write for hours about all the different ways in the last 4 years that God has shown me He has a plan, He sees everything, He knows before I do and has things moving and in place right when we've needed them. The COVID years have built my faith like nothing befoire (some to do with COVID and some not). I don't know why I waste any time worrying about anything now.

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Aug 7Liked by Mike Donio

Yes. have seen His hand in my life so many times. Used to see these "interpolations" after the fact. Have learned to watch for them. God is so loving!

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Thank you for sharing your testimony. I'm glad to hear that your faith in God has rewarded you. Prayers to you and your husband. I hope he's doing well.

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It’s important to remember that God only tests us, to show *us what is in our hearts, so we can decide from there what we will, or won’t, do about it. He already knows.

I absolutely do believe Covid was a test—would we fear first, the way we were told to, or would we be thinking to go to Him and ask Him if we need to be afraid? What would we do if we heard from Him otherwise from what the people around us were expecting us to feel or believe?

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Quite right. I had the Holy Spirit in me say 'No fear.' I found myself truly listening to God.


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Aug 3Liked by Mike Donio

Well said. I became a Christian on May 2, 2021. I was a denier of God before that. I also refused the jab and lost my employment. God reached down and basically grab me by my shoulder and said, "Something evil is coming and now is the time to get to know me" and I listened to Him and I am so grateful for my salvation.

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Aug 7Liked by Mike Donio

So many blessings upon you! I was a believer from early childhood, so lacked this opportunity of "whapped you upside the head!"

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He’s probably so happy you listened to Him!! So few did. You are a rare one—a beautiful, shining rare one.

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Thanks for your reply. Complete agree. God bless.

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Mike, thank you for posting this piece. I absolutely agree, it was a test from God. I believe God used Covid to separate the sheep from the goats and He is continuing to do so. We must have faith for God to provide our needs and ultimately follow Him, forsaking all else. Many Christians around the world are currently being persecuted to the point of death, martyred because of their faith in Jesus.. And many Christians in the West block their ears to this reality. Being a Christian is not an easy walk and although not all will be called to martyrdom, we are asked not to love our lives unto death. Revelation 12:11 "They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death." We are called to endure suffering and trials and although these trials hurt, they produce growth and deeper faith. My walk with Jesus would not be where it is today without Jesus disciplining me and allowing me to suffer hardship. But He has been there with me in every moment, every trial, every loss and willing me to grow, to become more like Him and most importantly, closer to Him. Covid was HARD, going against the grain was like a furnace of fire but Job said that we come out of the fire like gold. The tests will continue, forcing us to ask ourselves: "Do we trust God or man?" The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Some thought that it would be better to take the jab so they could provide for their families or continue leading ministries, or have access to loved ones, but what help are the dead to anyone? Many are dead now and it's tragic. That's the sobering reality. What lies ahead is only going to get harder and some may have to take the same test again BUT Jesus is so loving, compassionate, powerful and awesome that those truly rooted in Him will overcome. Despite your losses, you are overcoming in Jesus, Mike. Well done.

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Hi Emmalene, thank you for your wonderful comment. Love what you said about separating the sheep from the goats and thats so true. I have realized that it is a blessing to suffer for Christ. We have been given such an immense gift from God but it does put us squarely against the world. Thankfully, we have a Christ that dwells in us and is always there to fight our battles. God bless you.

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Amen, Mike, that is so true. Thank you for your encouraging words. God bless you too, brother.

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Aug 2Liked by Mike Donio

Thank you, Mike. You focused on the personal, but I would like to propose that the ensuing government overreach in response to COVID was a test for the church…and it failed for the most part. Looking back at historical plagues, it was the Christians who feared the Lord and not the illness, taking care of the sick when no one else would. They also did not stop meeting together to worship. The modern church abandoned both of these God-given responsibilities out of fear of man, I.e. the government.

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The churches were infiltrated by the government, they worked on all the church leaders just like all the celebrities so that all the many many followers would listen and believe that it was the right thing to do, knowing that they would believe their church leaders, same as all the poor teens following their idols.

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Hi Laura, thanks for your comment. Really great point. I think it can absolutely be looked at from a corporate standpoint too as being a test to the church or body of Christ. And as you pointed out most churches, at least the institutional one's, sided with the world. It's a sad state of affairs but, I'm comforted in knowing that Christ is alive and within us no matter what.

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