Welcome to another post on the Still in the Storm Substack.
From what I understand it’s 2025.
I’m not sure how that happened but here we are.
First, I want to apologize for the lack of new content recently. I got sick around Christmas and although I’m feeling much better it still hasn't completely resolved but certainly getting there.
To be clear, I’m not making excuses or looking for a pity party. I just want to be upfront and honest with you.
That brings me to the point of today’s post.
As we begin a new year, I thought it might be good to talk about the need to form strong communities, specifically a community of Kingdom minded followers of Christ who seek to glorify God through the sacrifice of their everyday lives.
This is truly what I have in mind for Still in the Storm.
Although, the focus of my writing is on the intersection of Christianity and science; Christ is the center, perimeter, and everything in between.
Over the last few months I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the community of Christians on Substack.
If you’ve spent any amount of time on social media then you probably know that this isn’t usually the case.
Often you’ll find Christians tearing each other up no differently than non-believers. Pretty shocking, right? Yet, unfortunately true.
Despite that I think it is possible to find others who are seriously pursuing the Lord on platforms like this.
After all, the Christian life is not an individual pursuit and we need to learn to live by the indwelling life of Christ together.
Before you jump all over me, I am not suggesting that Substack or social media in general is a suitable replacement for in person fellowship.
Nothing takes the place of meeting in person and living a shared life as the first ekklesias did.
The body of Christ can’t be formed digitally. He is a living person and His body is an organic expression of Him.
Still, I think we can actively strive to build a community that reflects the values and principles of God's kingdom, characterized by love, unity, service, forgiveness, and a focus on living out the teachings of Jesus Christ, prioritizing the needs of others over personal gain, even online.
Which brings me to something else. We might as well make use of this technology that was clearly created by the devil. Wink, wink.
Yes, I’m joking but, still with the Bible and other tools at our fingertips we have an unparalleled opportunity to partake of the Lord at all times.
Even though an online, social media community is not an organic expression of Jesus Christ it can be a wonderful way to share Him with others.
So, as we start 2025 I hope to continue building a strong community of serious followers of Jesus Christ on Still in the Storm.
For those of you who are already here, I am grateful for your support and even more so for your dedication to the Lord.
Now more than ever, we need to focus on sharing the Gospel of the Kingdom with others, Christians and non-Christians alike.
Just as we tend to start off each new year with resolutions that often pertain to health or fitness, I think this is just as applicable.
Let’s all take the opportunity to build good habits this year of spending more time with the Lord and sharing Him with others.
Blessings to you all and your families as we embark on this new year, and may God continue to be at work in and through you!
Let me know what you think in the discussion below.
Talk soon,
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I’ve also been encouraged by the amount of Christian substack there are. We are blessed to be able to easily access the thoughts and words of other Christians!
Amen! I remember my first few posts and no matter the topic: gardening, finances, the changing seasons God kept coming through. I wrote on one post “If you haven’t figured it out, I am a follower of Christ”. Some of those folks are no longer commenting on my posts. Although I do not have many subscribers, think I’m up to 25 😂, I feel surrounded by brothers and sisters in Christ. I have gained so much more than I expected when I joined this community.