Welcome to another post on the Still in the Storm Substack.
Today, I want to take you on a short trip.
Where do you ask?
Up to Heaven, to look through the eyes of God.
We often make the mistake of seeing ourselves and others the way the world sees us.
I wrote last week about the problem facing us. It’s the people.
Well, the people are us.
And that got me thinking: what does God think about this mess we've gotten ourselves into?
Then I realized that despite reading the Bible and praying to God constantly, I had never considered things the way He sees us.
Do you know how God sees you?
Brothers and sisters, have you ever looked through God’s eyes and seen what He sees?
It will take your breath away.
In His eyes, you are holy ones perfected in Christ Jesus without blemish or stain.
By the blood of Christ, you’ve been washed clean. Completely clean.
He has no recollection of your sins.
He sees us in His beloved Son. We’ve taken on His very nature.
Not only that, but He loves us with the same love He has for His Son.
Can you see it?
We have a God who took mercy on us when we deserved to be punished.
We have a God who gave us a gift of grace that we haven’t earned.
Not only didn’t He punish us, but He paid the price for our sins.
What a God! What a Christ!
Is that Good News or what?
Just take a minute to consider the ramifications of that before reading on.
How do we fix the problem?
Let’s now go back to the problem I called out in my last article.
I boldly claimed that the problem is the people.
We have become increasingly immoral, and that is directly proportional to a decreasing relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Jesus has been surgically removed from our culture, and now more Americans than ever before are living without Him.
I read recently that only approximately 65% of Americans claim to be Christian, and many of them are not active, attending church maybe once or twice per year.
If that is true then I believe there has been a concomitant increase in immorality to go along with the decrease in Christianity.
A human without the Lord will fall into depravity as they try to fill the hole in their souls with all matter of worldly things.
That is where I believe we are as a people in the US.
What can we do about it, though?
As I was considering how God sees us and how incredible that is, I realized that might be the answer.
The root of this problem is Christians and the present-day Christian church, or what passes for it.
In most churches, we just aren’t getting very much Christ or at least He’s not the focus.
This leads to an ever-increasing body of Christians who aren’t willing to be the sort of revolutionary insurgents that first-century Christians were.
We believe the cost is too high, or that isn’t what we are called to.
I disagree.
If God chose us out of His Son before He even created anything and sees us as holy ones who are pure and perfect then He must have a pretty incredible purpose for us.
Isn’t it time we start living that out?
More than ever, we need to come together as the body of Christ and make Him visible to the world.
We can start by encouraging each other with reminders of how God sees us.
Let’s actively declare who we are in Christ.
If we can make that a reality, I believe it will change our lives in such a profound way that other people will begin to notice.
In the first century, many pagan Roman people were astounded by how the early Christians lived their lives together.
These were people from all different backgrounds, some who were previously vicious enemies were now brought together under the headship of Jesus Christ.
A new race was formed. No longer were there Jew or Gentile, slave or free, rich or poor. Christ was All and in All.
Their new identity was Christ and He does not distinguish Himself and the members that make up His body. They are one.
The pagan Romans could only stare in awe and say, “Look how they love one another."
What if we could recapture that today?
If the problem is us, the people, then the solution can very well start with us, too.
Instead of chastising people for being immoral degenerates, let’s share Christ with them and let His light heal them.
May the Lord once again have a people on the earth that He can call His own.
Let me know what you think in the discussion below.
Talk soon,
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Beautifully stated. Your words provide truth and comfort. I see and experience how the constant distractions are clouding our vision. The attack on our soul is real, I am thankful to enjoy and learn more, understanding our true connection.
Ye shall know them by their fruits.
Let's us live to love Christ and know that our actions of love towards Jesus will be just right, just in time for His glorious purpose and plan (not ours...His)