Sep 15Liked by Mike Donio

Beautiful food for thought. I look forward to your future posts, Mike.

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Thank you, Lisa. I really appreciate that.

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Sep 13Liked by Mike Donio

God confirms over and over again that we are made in His image. One reason abortion is so popular is that once a baby is born, parents get what I’ll just call “image curiosity.” We want to know if the baby looks like…guess who? Once you come face to face with your own image, it’s hard to destroy it. Sounds hard but true… just my thoughts…

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Thank you. That’s a great thought. Makes a lot of sense.

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Sep 13Liked by Mike Donio

Mike, I really liked your post and it rings with the thoughts that have come to my mind in studying the Word of God. It is the Spirit that has given us these thoughts. It is a good analogy you presented between the "spiritual" body of Christ and the spiritual body of God. Christ came to reveal the (Holy) Spirit of the Father (His Holy Character) to us and His body was a representation of the physical body of humanity in the flesh (after sin). Jesus' Spirit was 'constrained' within a fleshly body as humanity appears after the effects of sin, which was united with the Holy Spirit within (the thoughts, emotions and character/nature which actuated and controlled the physical body) which were of God the Father. Jesus kept His body "under" His mind (as Paul talks about doing with his body) - the "mind of the Spirit" which only He really knew as being the Son of God. Jesus is also called the son of man (because he received our physical body) therefore He is the perfect union of humanity with Divinity. Before His incarnation into human sinful flesh, Jesus bore the perfect Spiritual character and nature of the Father and of sinless man (the original Adam) in a perfect union of Spiritual body with Spiritual nature/character. This "Spiritual body" we are only given a glimpse of when we read the description of Jesus which the disciples saw on the Mt. of transfiguration when Jesus' entire being shone with a radiance unlike any other being on earth - spoken of as "the glory which I had with you before the world was" (John 17:5). His entire body brilliance was the same brilliance of face only which Moses displayed whenever he returned from having intimate communion with God on Mt. Sinai (Ex 34:29, 30, 35). I imagine he also bore a brilliant facial reflection of the burning fire -bush that he viewed but no one else was around to view him and record it then, but it is recorded of Moses on the Mt of transfiguration when he appeared with Jesus (this was after Moses was taken to heaven and given his new resurrected body). The burning bush itself was not the actual physical image/description of God but it was used to reveal a glimpse of the majestic light emanating from the Pure Spirit of God the Almighty Father - the ONE and only GOD. GOD's glory/Spirit has also been "hidden" in various other forms in order for sinful man to be able to bear being in His presence. God was also "visibly hidden" in the pillar of fire, the cloud that guided the tabernacle in the wilderness, the dove that appeared at Jesus' baptism, and the cloven tongues of fire on the day of Pentecost. God is a Spirit we are told in John 4:24 and no man has seen Him but have seen His "best" reflection in Jesus whose physical form revealed a glimpse of the majesty of the Father. John 1:18 and 1 Jn 4:12 tells us so and also indicates that we also may reflect the Spirit of the Father and of Christ in our human flesh/form if Christ's Spirit dwells within us. God wants to reveal Himself in us. He wants to dwell within us and to shine out from us from our faces and from our actions as in Jesus. While we are now 'earthen vessels' our bodies do not appear as they shall be when our 'change comes', when we are also "transfigured" into the new bodies that will be given us at the resurrection or the translation of the living at the second coming of Jesus. Job 14:14; 1 Jn 3:2; Phil 3:21; 2 Pet 1:16. As 1 Jn 2:28,29 tells us that we shall be a true reflection of Jesus and of our Father when we have the righteousess of the Spirit of God indwelling and causing us to do righteousness - both in our individual body temple (the same earthly vessels we now have) and also corporately as a spiritual new body of believers as "the church of God" or "New Jerusalem" as God's church is referred to in a corporate/corporal body sense. His Holy City (New Jerusalem) is represented as "coming down from God out of heaven" and will dwell in the future, forever on the New Earth after it is cleansed by fire. God united with mankind forever in the beautiful City of God is also represented as a building with walls of beautiful gemstones and brilliant colors as the rainbow and gates of pearl an streets of pure gold and shining with a brilliance such that it outshines even the sun. Rev 21: 10-27. Now that is the full display of the beautiful character of the Spirit of our Almighty God and His Holy people! God is indescribable in form so as human language cannot explain it to us as Isaiah 6:1-5 expresses and as Ezekiel 10 tries to describe. Human eyes have never seen and cannot describe adequately what the Almighty really looks like, but there was something which "appeared like a man's hand" visible to the prophet. God our Father, who is Spirit has a form that is similar in appearance to ours and to Jesus - and after all, humanity was made "in their image" and was to bear and reflect the Spirit of God the Father as fully as did Jesus. The "genetics" of our heavenly Father and of our Lord Jesus Christ are to be seen in us too! That's what makes us to become the "adoption" of Sons and Daughters to the Family of God.

Rom_8:15  For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.

Rom_8:23  And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.

Rom_9:4  Who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises;

Gal_4:5  To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.

Eph_1:5  Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,

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Thank you, Denise for your incredible response. I couldn’t agree more. God bless.

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Sep 13Liked by Mike Donio

Thanks for sharing. Let God and the Holy Spirit lead you. God knows what we need to hear. Keep praying and studying His word.

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Thank you. Amen. That is exactly what I am trying to do. His will, not mine. God bless.

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Sep 12Liked by Mike Donio

This blessed me very much.

Struggling in my faith life right now (I think he's trying to move me to a different level, if I allow it) ---- and the discussion of the combination of the physical and the spiritual struck a chord.

Thank you! Blessings

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Thank you. So glad to hear that it helped you. The Lord gave us such a wonderful gift with His creation in that it goes a long way to helping us make the invisible visible. God bless you. I pray that He continues to reveal Himself to you and bring you nearer to Him.

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Sep 12Liked by Mike Donio

You're welcome. And thank you!

He's trying.

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Sep 12Liked by Mike Donio

Looking forward to your further posts!

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Thank you. I'm excited to see where the Lord takes it.

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