May I share this lesson Mike? It seems as though we are on the same Jesus train of spiritual thought.

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Aug 17Liked by Mike Donio

Jesus will ask, Who did you bring with you not what will you miss that you left behind. There may be people we have left behind because we may have a fear of sharing Jesus Christ. I’m bringing my daughter. My husband was already a Christian. Thanks for sharing this.

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Aug 16Liked by Mike Donio

Love this 🥰🥰🥰

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Aug 11Liked by Mike Donio

Matthew 6 was the gospel reading I chose for our wedding. Didn't remember that 37 years ago until I was cleaning out my mother's house and found several wedding programs. It was ironic because she, a minor hoarder, left me with TONS of stuff to deal with. And funny, when my house was broken into and we lost personal things, I learned that stuff is just stuff. Of course I was mad, but I knew God wanted me to learn that lesson internally. The best gifts are personal time together, a sweet note, flowers from one's garden, something homemade. Some call me cheap because I don't enjoy buying gifts. But I don't enjoy receiving stuff that requires attention or maintenance. Still enjoy art work my kids did 30 years ago. But enjoy their company more, which sadly doesn't happen often

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Aug 10Liked by Mike Donio

I talk to God everyday. I would love to learn how to read bible and be closer to Him

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Get a Bible you can understand (I started with NLT, New Living Translation) and start reading. Reading the Word is the way to nurture a relationship with God our Father. The Bible promises that if you seek me, you will find me. And it's true. Start reading in John, in the New Testament. Then maybe search for a good nondenominational church and bible study group. I now have and read a student study Bible that is an ESV. English Standard Version. I became a Born Again Christian in 2021. And it has changed my life. Saved my life. God Bless!

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Thank you for your kind words and guidance.

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Hi Ev, that is wonderful. He so desires fellowship so that’s a great start. Don’t put too much pressure into reading the Bible. In fact, just ask the Lord to open your eyes to His word, to satisfy your soul and I think he will. God bless.

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Aug 10Liked by Mike Donio

"If you love the Creator, you will keep His commandments". Good post.

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Aug 10Liked by Mike Donio

The hardest lesson I ever had to learn is to trust God with all my heart and soul. In 2018 I was consumed with anxiety to the point that it had stolen my joy, peace and happiness that we all know comes from God alone. I would have panic attacks that would bring me literally to the floor. I couldn’t perform my job sufficiently, having to call my husband to leave his work to take me to my home visits as a nurse. At this time I proclaimed to be a Christian but I didn’t dig into Gods word and without reading Gods word and applying it to your life, we have no relationship with God because God is the word. I struggled with this for about 5 or 6 months. I know God had to allow this attack of Satan on my life to bring me closer to him. I had no other place to run to but the arms of my Savior. God rescued me from this torment and it made me a better person putting God first in my life above all things. I had to let go and let God consume my life and not the world. God restored my joy, peace and happiness and I praise God every day. I read his word and apply it to my life daily. Hallelujah my chains are gone and I’ve been set free.

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Thank you for sharing that Carol. How wonderful to give ourselves to the Lord. There is such freedom. May God continue to bless you and your family.

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Aug 11Liked by Mike Donio

You’re welcome Mike, may God bless you and your family as well. Thank you for sharing as well.

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Aug 8Liked by Mike Donio

Great message Mike on what we treasure our need to lay up our spiritual treasures in heaven. I will say when I got sick years ago & had to give up every material thing in my life to go on Medicaid for help with care & going to assisted living for 4 mos; it was a huge Burden lifted to have it all gone! I kept my home - only because it never sold but it was EMPTY! I did not understand until some years later..GOD was using the Circumstances to REMOVE everything I COVETED & made IDOLS before HIM. My Car, home, ALL my worldly goods had to be sold & NOT gifted, artwork, years of items collected living in Europe.. GOD lead me in the WORD- to understand that Idols & Coveting can also be people & not only STUFF. It was absolutely liberating & that’s what GOD means by Wanting ALL OF US- Surrendered completely to Him. Vertical alignment GOD / Depending on our age Parents / CHILDREN / GRANDCHILDREN / NOTHING & NO ONE MUST COME B4 GOD & JESUS. Today 15 yrs later I had a lot restored but I never got another car; in know today I could walk away from it all without a second thought because GOD is my #ONE in my LIFE. HE was in it all & still is for my GOOD. I am Blessed & Thankful for every lesson & trial that taught me GOD provides what we NEED & our calling is to know it’s more than Enough & the Father knows best!

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Thank you Lorraine. And thank you for sharing too. It’s so wonderful to see how the Lord is working in so many people’s lives. He takes away that He may establish. God bless.

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deletedAug 8Liked by Mike Donio
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Aug 8Liked by Mike Donio

He does! I’m telling you it’s by Supernatural tender mercies He accomplished all that! Thank GOD it not only got rid of the idols but I was aware of the physical weight I felt lifted. Then I wanted it even more! It was THEN discovered I was SICK from PHARMA & over medicated too causing me to lose my memory & it felt like my mind.

GOD IS SO GOOD! NoT ONE PHARMA pill or med in my life all Gone for 13 plus years. It took a couple to get off all of it!

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deletedAug 8Liked by Mike Donio
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Me too❤❤❤

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Aug 8Liked by Mike Donio

Amen! Since my last divorce, I have severely downsized my possessions. Only what I truly need or cannot afford to replace (probably could still downsize way more) remains in my sight and my storage unit. I have learned to hold the memories in my heart, not the junk in my "space". We will one day realize how foolish it was to EVER treasure anything in this world.

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Thank you so much for this! I always say it to everyone, we came into the world with nothing and will leave the same way, and have had to live it at times, if you have only the clothes upon your back and Heavenly father you have everything you will ever need! He is our greatest inheritance and superlative treasure of riches & gift of His very presence is indeed our present and everything! We do indeed count everything as loss, dung and rubbish to the incomparable illustrious riches that can only be found and had in Christ Jesus. When we are privileged enough to meet with our most beautiful Saviour kinsman redeemer brother and best friend Jesus maywe have our hands full of all He has enabled empowered and blessed us with as good stewards whilst upon this earthly realm & dimension all to and for His Glory praise honour gratitude & thanksgiving!

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Amen 🙏🏼

I couldn’t agree more. God bless you.

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Aug 8Liked by Mike Donio

Thank you 😊 a good reminder to stop collecting and give away more 👍🏻

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the ancestors i worship are the ones going back innumerable of generations, to the first day, man and woman who created boys and girls, iteratively with love, joy and tears, long ago in those distant years, those are my people and the live in me. Father, Mother, Me, I am not one, I am Three.

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Aug 8Liked by Mike Donio

This article comes in Divine timing for myself….

Been dealing with what to do with materials.

I understand completely how crushing it feels to have an important item - from a passed loved one - taken away so violently. My dear and beautiful Mom passed away and left me my grandmother’s ring that my mother wore after her mother’s passing. Sadly, I never had a chance to wear it; it was stolen from my father’s house. I can’t hold back the tears of sadness and anger over this injustice.

Something that I treasured and thieves couldn’t care less about….

Thank you for sharing this, Mike.

Be well, be blessed. ☮️

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I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s very hard to lose a parent and then have something happen to their things especially when it’s something you value but I now know that the Lord is likely trying to show us something or test us. Stay strong. Will be praying for you. God bless.

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Beautiful...even better is that the audible version of The Pursuit of God is included.

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deletedAug 8·edited Aug 8Liked by Mike Donio
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Thank you for sharing Wendy. That is a powerful testimony. God is so good and I’ve learned that sometimes He takes away things from us so that He might be able to deliver something even better even though we might not understand at the time. God bless you.

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Aug 9Liked by Mike Donio

Amen! I trust the LORD implicitly and know what ever trial I’m in to seek what an I to learn from this. He wants our TRUST in Him alone always! I don’t trust myself anymore.. for years I ran amuck on my own instincts & heart GOD graciously spared me to finally bring me into totally submitting to His Will & His Ways! GOD BLESS YOU Sister Wendy for your testimony! 🙏🏼🕊🙌🏼🔥

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