I read not long ago from Joel Alan, Virginia, grass farmer, that life is marked by the capacity to heal. In fact, he would say that it’s one of the vital signs. I found that terribly interesting and insightful. Trenton medicine, we classically talk the biological definition of life as having certain properties such as separation from the environment, The ability to take an energy substrate, and dispose of its metabolites, the ability to reproduce, and the integration of all of the parts into an autonomous whole. I had never thought about the capacity to heal. I think he’s right.

I appreciate the angle you take in your essays. There is so much faith to be found in our neighbors, and those we love. And in society is a whole. The daughters and sons of God are everywhere. We need each other. And we need to witness to the goodness of God. Thanks for what you’re doing.

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Joel Salatin. Not Joel Alan.

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Believing Scientist: Essays on Science and Religion https://a.co/d/4D11A0t

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Thank you. I didnt know zoe, I barely know any of the Greek. Ive always wanted to understand what true life and true death mean as well. Surely death/perish in the Bible is more than pure bios as well. Thanks for the thought provoking post

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I marked "other" in your poll, because I don't know how much time this might take for most folks. I'm sure "it depends" is a serious contender.

Beautiful article. I would love to hear some of the quotes of these scientists who have concluded that life only comes from life, to see their different ways of thinking about the issue.

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Thank you. Appreciate both your feedback on the poll as well as your thoughts on the article. Glad you enjoyed it. I’ll try to pull together some of the quotes.

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Beautifully written Mike and thanks be to God you are a spiritual brother!

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Thank you. I really appreciate that. I’m trying my imperfect best to just let the Lord speak through me. God bless.

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Interesting with regards to the word zoe, as it resembles zoo where you will find life in a way it is not supposed to be.

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Great post!

God created time for us! He has never been limited to time as He is the Alpha and the Omega. I like to boil it down. God is essentially in a helicopter above the timeline so He sees past, present and future as one. That explains His omniscience!

When we accept Christ as our Saviour then the Holy Spirit indwells us and we ‘jump’ from the Adam timeline leading to death to the Christ timeline that is eternal!!

So profound and beautiful!

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Thank you 🙏🏼

Really well put.

I am always in awe of what He has done!

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“To gain spiritual Life it must come from The One who is living and to be “born of the Spirit” requires that it is this Life which must be implanted into the person.”

Well, guess what?

In light of what you beautifully conveyed, it should not be hard to comprehend that we have been wonderfully and amazingly made/created and do you think God would leave us w/o backup mechanisms to cleanse our bodies such as viruses?!?! Viruses are non-living, non-contagious agents produced by our (site-specific) cells in order to cleanse in the face of modern industrial toxicity. Most all viral replication is a mode of cleansing by cells in the body in order to dissolve inorganic toxicity that living agents (bacteria, parasites) cannot, lest they be poisoned to death. Viruses are wholly created by cells from beginning to end and are minutely different between each person (RNA/DNA). Thus, there exists endless amounts of variants. A few hundred thousand variants have been discovered, yet in actuality, researchers could spend an eternity and find an endless array of variants in each person on earth. Amazing creation we are! ❤️

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