Quantum physics tends to prove it

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This is incredibly interesting and refreshing...

I would be interested in your thoughts on the age of the earth...

I believe that I have found Biblical proof that the earth is very old...but was reformed 6000 years ago when Adam was created...

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I stumbled across this video by accident, but found it pretty profound and another way to show that nothing that exists is by accident. Even if you don’t like math or understand the equations presented, it’s worth watching to see the extraordinary images that come from the equations:


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Apr 26Liked by Mike Donio

My husband, a research physicist, is also proof. In fact, I would not have considered marrying him were he not.

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Apr 26Liked by Mike Donio

“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works…”Eph 2:10

Isn’t it wonderful that the Lord Jesus was a carpenter in His earthly profession…creating FROM His creation! I imagine the wood was eager to comply to whatever He was building. Oh if only we were that eager!!

Thanks for your article!

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If you haven't gone to the Ark Encounter in Kentucky, I recommend it. It might help you with this. It shows how the Grand Canyon proves the flood. I lost my pics when my phone died, so I really want to go back. Oh and whenever I see his beauty in nature, I thank him. 😊

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Is it possible that Scientism was the initiator of Christian nationalism? They seem to be imagining things that are not real. Just a thought

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Apr 26Liked by Mike Donio

I have never understood how people could look at the beauty of our world and not see God. Everything in both science and nature shows our Creator's handiwork. The scientific and logical parts of my brain are His work. Every breath we take is truly miraculous when analyzed via scientific method. I do not see God and science as polarized viewpoints, quite the contrary. I believe in a Master Designer, I literally see it with my own eyes.

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If you're interested in an interesting discovery about Jesus, check out this documentary where a linguist and a priest found a shocking revelation....

The Gospel of Caesar


Jesus taught honest things against authority but the church turned it into a pro authority system, just like Julius Caesar who was assassinated in the open because he too was against the concentration of wealth and power hurting the common citizen.

Of course they later called him a dictator, while they reinstituted authoritarian crap.

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Martyrdom is an extreme form of passive aggression, and narcissistic in nature.

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I think you should look into the Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe by Christopher Langan. It's compatible with everything you're saying, and is mathematically incontrovertible.

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Who else but Jesus Christ would a Christian Scientist follow?

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