Feb 4, 2023Liked by Mike Donio

Thanks Sir, I'm in the viruses are an illusion camp...thanks for your honesty...ICU RN x 40 years much in Critical care...4 children 30yrs old avg age unvaccinated...Viruses are a fraud...Measles 95 % disappeared when they came out with the magic vacccine....same for polio......Environmental causation likely

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Very helpful- keep it up Mike!

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Thank you! Appreciate it. I'm enjoying your work on ivermectin. Keep digging.

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Feb 4, 2023·edited Feb 4, 2023Liked by Mike Donio

Hi tim i appreciated your attempt at getting a pseudo debate going when you had McCairn on a few months ago, seeing as the different factions (virus/no virus) dont seem to be able to get together for a polite debate (exhibit a - McCairn /Bailey attempt!).

You mentioned in the last McCairn interview (also with a female scientist i cant recall the name of), that you would be following up on the alleged technique they both insisted was proof positive that viruses exist, and also that you would be continuing the debate with someone from the no virus side. Just wondering where you are at on both of these points?

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Mike Donio

Mike, I've been following Kaufman, Cowan, Sam and Mark Bailey, the great investigative reporter- Jon Rappaport and many others for the past two years. More and more people are entering the no virus camp. I'm encouraged by this momentum.

Looking back at germ theory, I find it incredible that over a hundred years ago, a bunch of elites had the foresight to see the potential for controlling others through this mechanism. This is on par with central banking and the fractional reserve system. An inquiry into a detailed origin of germ theory would be fascinating and would garner my support. There had to be financial backers to Pasteur while simultaneously working to discredit Bechamp. But I'm enthralled by the genius, albeit evil, at play here!

I'll be reading your posts. And at some point will subscribe to your service.

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Thanks Vince. I really appreciate that. Please let me know if you have any specific questions or topics of interest.

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Feb 7, 2023Liked by Mike Donio

Just watched your excellent video....Quick question: Is it possible to view the alleged viral particle under an electron microscope without treatment and staining?

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Thank you! No, unfortunately that is the required preparation to be able to visualize a sample by electron microscopy.

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Mike Donio

"Simple logic and common sense reveals the germ theory for what it is - an unfortunate leftover of the middle age's superstitious belief that invisible, malevolent evil spirits were the cause of man's suffering of disease; whereas, in reality disease is merely the abnormal functioning of the body due to excessive burdens, primarily dietary, put upon it. Drink alcohol, experience drunkenness; do drugs, experience hallucinations; eat burgers, experience heart attacks; consume regular amounts of cooked and processed foods, experience colds, flus and other so-called "contagious" dis-eases. What is contagious is the eating of cooked, processed foods, drinking alcohol and other fabricated drinks and substances.

The medical industry's treatment of disease is based upon the same false philosophy that the potion sellers of the Middle Ages created to fool, for the sole purpose of making a buck, their desperate and discomforted customers into purchasing health destroying poisonous snake oils - that disease is an attacking, invisible outside entity that only injected or ingested poisons can defeat, and that disease is not self created symptoms that express the overburdening of the body with endless, widely practiced deprivations and excesses such as smoking, alcohol, drugs, cooked food, refined food, and similar abnormal consumptions.

Pasteur was not a legitimate scientist, but rather an impostor, plagiarizer and profiteer. He, through intentional and careful manipulation, developed himself into a well connected man who obnoxiously and aggressively used his position, his connection to Napoleon and other high society and financially invested figures, and his thusly gained influence to fabricate, then push and bully upon others in the scientific world of his era the specious claim that a recently discovered invisible-to-the-eye organism, the bacteria, made visible by the newly invented scientific instrument - the microscope, was responsible for the sufferings of man. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Pasteur and the medical industry jumped on his claims to fatten their wallets at the expense of the physical health and mental clarity, soundness, and stability of the future world. Today, mankind lives under the identical, harm inducing superstitions surrounding disease that the oft criticized populations of the dark ages lived under. WEe are them, still, only with a microscope in one hand and an enormously developed and "modernized" poisoning, drug pushing, flesh cutting, profit focussed cartel called Medicine in the other. Take the poison but always be sure to pay the venom producer - the government protected pharmaceutical industry. To the con artists typified by Pasteur and other snake oil salesmen, it's all about profit and fame, and not about truth, honesty, and integrity. It's about instilling fear in the masses and profiting on their ignorance, gullibility and obedience to authority figures. If Pasteur the Hoaxer had been a geologist instead of the mediocre-at-best chemist that he was, the modern world would still be believing that the earth was flat, that the sun revolved around the earth, that the moon was made of cheese, and that the earth was the centre of the universe, and everyone would be forced to donate to the Church of Pasteur to show and pronounce their undying faith in the above "truths".

If a person can bear to read through this tome of propaganda that uses the words "private science" in its title, incidentally revealing the true nature of Pasteur's work - fraudulent manipulation of data and method, and is willing to use even the smallest smidgeon of critical thinking to evaluate the preachings within the book instead of automatically accepting wholesale the author's self admitted 100% biased and corrupt "explanation" of the "legitimacy" of Pasteur's clearly fraudulent, unscientific, self-serving promotion of the fairy tale germ "theory", the person will have studied and learned a popular, deviant method used by propagandists to promote their craft and sales.

The author is obviously not motivated by the revelation of truth, but rather presents himself as a supporter of pseudo science as a commendable method for unconscionable hucksters like Pasteur to criminally gain prominence over truly legitimate and admirable scientific researchers such as Pasteur's rival, the genius Antoine Bechamp, as revealed by the author's unabashed grandiose praising of Pasteur's unrelenting deceitful efforts to obfuscate truth, falsify data and experiments, and bully his peers into submission in order to create financial profit and glory for himself and the bandwagon of salivating, money driven drug manufacturers surrounding and backing him. Bechamp, the true scientist, an actual biologist, in his life's work, revealed and clearly explained the true nature of disease which at the same time disproved the spurious belief that came to be called Pasteur's germ "theory".

The author appears as a stooge of the medical cartel in allowing himself to be used as a prop for the foolish, non-sensible, and destructive germ "theory" belief accepted blindly by the masses or by those so unfortunate to have purchased and uncritically read this tome of propaganda. Preach, preach, obfuscate, lie, misrepresent, money, money - these are the thoughts that predominate the minds of scammers of Pasteur's inclination. The author can use his endless collection of fancy 10 dollar words and meandering, excuse laden, meaningless paragraphs as much as he likes, but it doesn't add a penny of veracity to any of his claims or to Pasteur's obviously false, superstitious assertions that the author conveniently, deceptively, and euphemistically, but revealingly, characterizes as the "private science" of Pasteur.

Give it a break, wool spinner. "Private science" is just another term for the expression "pulling the wool over one's eyes", and the author, or anyone, who writes a tome that supports this practice, used effectively by Pasteur in promoting the Middle Ages born fairy tale of the germ "theory", reveals himself as a stooge of the medical cartel and likewise just as corrupt as the person, the "selfless saviour" Pasteur, who has been represented by the medical cartel as a heroic face of the superstitious poisoning practice called medicine.

It's for the carefully thinking individual to inform themselves of the truth, and for the gullible individual entrapped by the belief mentality to fall for the lurid lies of the germ "theory" and its loose thinking, harm bringing, profit focused promoters. A research into Antoine Bechamp, his methods, his genius, and his attention to the scientific method of research will reveal to the interested person the true nature of disease, from which sensible and productive approaches to health can be pursued which includes the complete avoidance of such deadly poisons as immunization shots and inoculations. Books by Bechamp such as 'The Blood and its Third Element' and books written about him such as Ethel Hume's 'Bechamp or Pasteur', are the rubies in the sand, gems for any person interested in understanding the true nature of life, health, and disease. The world isn't a flat disc, it's an oblate sphere, the earth revolves around the sun, the moon is made of rock not cheese, the earth is not the centre of the universe, all revealed by careful examination of the facts, the successful examiner being careful to avoid the deceptive methods employed by the fraudster and huckster Pasteur, whose devious methods are faithfully supported by the author of the tome "The Private Science of Louis Pasteur", more appropriately and honestly called, "The faked and manipulated pseudo science of the bullying showman Louis Pasteur".

Pasteur is connected to the word 'science' only and solely through his unrelenting and unforgiving dedication to the abuse and false use of the scientific method for his own gain. The mal-intent Pasteur was as much a credible scientist as a low life con artist is a trustworthy businessman for the elderly. He was a self serving fraud artist, a scammer, a liar, a bully, and a scourge to mankind, an abhorrent scoundrel whose misbegotten deeds have brought endless and untold, horrible suffering to the gullible, belief driven, authority obedient public that are now enslaved by the fear mongering, drug pushing, and flesh slashing Medical Industry, best described as the prostitute of the pimping Pharmaceutical Industry, both of which are founded on the superstitious germ 'theory' that Pasteur calculatingly cemented as the foundation of modern Medicine. Evil is as evil does. Read the book and understand how evil is propagated. However, time is better spent studying the work of Bechamp and his supporters, for then one can understand how to create and maintain health while avoiding the causes of disease, one of which is the horror house called medicine."


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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Mike Donio


This is great! Appreciate your insights. There is one missing factor in writing about the evil that men do. As a combat Vietnam veteran, I can more fully appreciate the nature of this evil.

I can accept that Pasteur was a con-artist along with so many other psychopaths that make their home within government. As long as an individual is allowed freedom of choice, the potential for demagoguery is limited.

However, when you throw in the coercive apparatus of government into the mix, then the potential for harm increases exponentially.

For example, the destruction by individuals such as Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin etc. would've amounted to a hill of beans without the apparatus of government. In the same vein, germ theory can carry the potential for abuse because it can be used by the coercive monopoly we label government against us- all under the rubric “for our own protection.”

Germ theory without a government apparatus of enforcement is impotent.

That is why even though I admire the work of Ayn Rand, I’m convinced that the notion of limited government that she espoused is an oxymoron. I pay tribute to Murray Rothbard for his great insights into the nature of government.

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Good one. A bit extreme in some details, e.g. as if ANY alcohol consumption will ensure poor health, when i know people who are quite aware of what's what re virology, indeed are significant voices, who brew their own beer. Likewise "drugs," as if any substance regarded as a drug is equally injurious, cannabis (which is in fact a plant, not a "drug")= heroin or cocaine or speed on downers, likewise 'shrooms, peyote, DMT (present in our brains endemically) ayahuasca,....And no differentiation between moderate use and excessive. Oh well, hard to be perfect. The key point is that Pasteur was a fraud, and admitted it.

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Thanks for the presentation. I enjoyed it.

I have many, many, many questions. But I will limit myself to two.

One question. We "know" (or we believe we know) that pathogenic viruses do not exist, because the evidence that supports the claim that they do has been refuted. Yet the idea of a virus is believed by almost everyone, to the point that they believe, perhaps without evidence, that there are synthetic viruses. Is it possible to make synthetic viruses if real viruses do not exist?

It seems wrong to try to explain a totally man-made agent of disease in terms of something that does not exist in nature.

"This object is analogous to that other object that does not exist."

Another way to present the same question: have humans managed to create an organic particle that is replication-capable according to the current understanding of the "central dogma of genetics" but has no ancestor in nature?

The second question is more speculative. I see the majority of scientists believe (they hate that word, for some reason) that natural, pathogenic viruses exist and have always existed. They even claim that humans and all life forms have co-evolved with viruses.

This majority of learned people must have taken the time to review the evidence, just to be sure, and have found it good enough.

There is a minority of people who think the opposite: they have reviewed the evidence and find it lacking.

My speculative question is: what is one group seeing that the other group cannot or will not see?

It's too easy, and perhaps true, that the "love of money" is involved in some ways. Or perhaps ignorance, intellectual laziness, fear.

About fear: there are lawyers in multi-year long lawsuits against big companies claiming that their crappy vaccines force natural viruses to become more virulent, more pathogenic and deadly, and that means the company committed fraud and other crimes.

These lawyers may be afraid that the crappy vaccines are not endangering the public in that manner because non-existent viruses cannot become worse.

They would accuse the people on this side of aiding the defense of the big company. To which I can say that a bad attack tactic probably is more of a defense for the other side than simply telling the truth.

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Thanks for you comment and questions. Appreciate it. I'm going to be hitting on that first one very soon in a video about gain of function and virus-like particles, ie. things that are made in the lab. I have a lot of experience in this area. I'd be happy to hit on the second one too, although you pretty much nailed it. There is a great quote from Upton Sinclair that encapsulates it well: "It's difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it."

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Hi Mike... thank you for your sincere presentation. I sent you an email. I look forward to a reply.

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Mike Donio

Hey Mike. I have a question. What is the maximum magnification that is able to be obtained when a doctor/surgeon uses a scope, like an endoscopy procedure? I imagine that technology is in the works, but I am curious to what could be seen without taking a sample out of a patient. Love your work, thanks for the video :)

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Hello. Thank you! Appreciate your question. So, the maximum magnification of a typical endoscope is about 100x whereas the maximum for a light microscope ranges between 1000x and 2000x. Therefore you wouldn’t even be able to get to the threshold of a light microscope internally which would be far from the range required to see a particle the supposed size of a virus.

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Mike Donio

Awesome, thank you for the info! I have always wondered about this. So, I think you would need at least 400x to see red or white blood cells, or even epithelial cells, therefore you wouldn't be able to see cells or cell structures during an endoscopy. This question came to me after listening to Dr. Cowan talk about cell membranes and cell structures, and whether cells as we think of them exist in a living organism. I have seen RBCs, WBCs, epithelial cells, etc. using phase contrast taken directly from a patient. I guess my question was a little off topic, and not specifically about viruses, so thank you for the response. Keep up the good work Mike, always appreciate your insight.

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Thank you for this very fine overview of some of the main issues with virology and the theses which underpin it. Though it may tend towards the technical side, it would be yet still useful to hear more about the problematics which attend the use of cell cultures in the so called 'isolation process'. Additionally, it would be similarly interesting to learn more about the various other forms of microscopy to which you allude. Finally, one question which has occurred to me on several occasions you may well be able to address (and in a sense you already have implicitly vis-a-vis the question of sample pertubation): Does not any centrifugal process apply forces to the material being analyzed that are potentially destructive to the very elements of that material which are being sought? Again, thank you for your efforts and presentations.

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Thank you for your comment. Appreciate it. I can definitely talk more about the issues with using cell lines in the “isolation process”. Happy to discuss different kinds of microscopy as well. You are correct regarding the centrifugal process. It absolutely applies potentially detrimental forces to any and all samples being centrifuged. It’s a factor I’ve taken into account a lot in developing experimental protocols. Unfortunately it’s ignored by a lot of scientists.

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Mike Donio

Hi Mike, thanks for the presentation. I would love to see a deep dive from a devils advocate perspective. Ie what are the ostensible reasons given for both why true isolation cant be achieved with density gradients or any other method and how they rationalize that this doesn't matter. Dr Cowan pointed out recently that exosomes can be isolated therefor viruses (if they were something different) should be able to be also. I have heard several times from "the team" that there is no technical reason why something as small as viruses are supposed to be cannot be isolated. What is your view on this?

I love the work of the no virus team but its hard to know that all explanations for the positions virology takes are fully understood by the team, as there is no dialogue between them and virologists.

I think this leads to circular reasoning from the no virus side too.. Ie a recent interview suggested 'if they had the samples from human patients that we are requesting then they would be signing it from the rooftops. But this is not necessarily true if the other side truly believe that what is asked for in the FOIA requests is not required for proof of viruses. One example of where no dialogue leads to second guessing of peoples motives.

Thanks for your work

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Hi Nick,

Thanks for your comment and question. Will try to address it. Certainly would be more optimal to have some dialogue between no virus folks and virologists. It's not for a lack of trying. Just hasn't happened yet unfortunately. Good points though. Thanks.

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Mike Donio

Thank you! Excellent! Would you kindly consider the following topics: contagion? More on terrain theory, are viruses just dead cell debri? Why we all get sick in the same house at the same time?

Thank you!

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Thank you for watching. Sure I’d be happy to try and address those questions.

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If you're having problems watching the video embedded on this page, here is the link to Odysee. For some reason, clicking the link to it posted on this page led to an empty page, ditto with Rumble.


Still has issues, but at least playable for me.

Good synopsis of what's wrong with the average person's perception of what it means to "see a virus." I've encountered lots of people claiming to have seen viruses moving via electron microscopes, just pure BS given what's needed to do electron microscopy. Thanks, Mike, and congratulations on this launch.

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Hola, Mike. You wrote:

>> Did you know that viruses cannot be seen under a standard light microscope? Their size would be too small to see even under the highest magnification. Over the last few years I found out that many people didn’t realize that. <<

My question is, even if individual virus particles cannot be seen under a light microscope, should not it be possible to identify a viral *mass* under a light microscope as it increases in number, gradually filling up all the space within the cell? And shouldn't it be possible to see the cell explode as the burgeoning mass finally compromises the membrane's structural integrity? And shouldn't it be fair game to ask virologists to provide footage of both phenomena as proof of virus-induced CPE?

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Hi Eddie,

Thanks for the questions. In theory, it should be possible to see a mass of virus if there were to be sufficient amounts and if you concentrated it. The problem is you wouldn't be able to differentiated it from other particulate matter under a light microscope. In terms of a mass with a cell, it is actually quite difficult to discern sub cellular compartmentalization under a light microscope. This means trying to see individual components and organelles outside of nuclei and mitochondria are trivial at best. As to whether the mass would compromise the membrane integrity causing the cell to burst and whether that would be visible. Again you might be able to see such a thing but, it would look similar to any dying cell. This is what is supposed to be see by CPE but, is problematic since its not possible to differentiate it from cell death as caused by other things.

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Okay, thanks!

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by Mike Donio

Thank you for this important video. Please feel free to talk about anything you want, and at leisure. Your info is always on point, and of high value; also given your background.

Kind regards. :)

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Thank you! I greatly appreciate the feedback. Lot's of stuff planned to talk about.

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Feb 9, 2023·edited Feb 9, 2023Liked by Mike Donio

Great! Whilst you're at it; Royal Rife was said to study "viruses" using a microscope (dunno what type), and Medical Medium Anthony William's claims on viruses are also interesting. (Just food for thought). :)

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PS: Just learned that Rife was said to have invented his own microscope, where he claimed to be able to view "living" viruses. Would love to hear your take on this, if interested, and at leisure. :)

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Mike Donio

NEVER in the history of mankind has injecting poisons into your body given you better health.Quite the opposite. They’ve ALL maimed and killed. Read and learn the history of this barbaric act:

-The Poisoned Needle: Suppressed Facts About Vaccinations https://a.co/d/cfvx9Q6 https://rumble.com/v1wxx5q-nephrologist-dr-suzanne-humphries-vaccines-have-never-been-safe.html

-Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History https://a.co/d/coVuit4

- George William Winterburn, PhD, MD, The Value of Vaccination: A Non-partisan Review of Its History and Results, 1886 https://archive.org/details/64940640R.nlm.nih.gov

- History and Pathology of Vaccination, Edgar R. Crookshank, 1889 https://archive.org/details/historypathology02crooiala

- Charles Creighton, Jenner and Vaccination. A Strange Chapter of Medical History, 1889 https://archive.org/details/b21357067

There are many others, they’re just a few.Finding the truth isn’t that hard.

We’ve known for well over 150 years the concept of vaccination is a fraud concept.And the criminals that pose as our elected officials are in on the take and are raking in millions, and will NEVER stop the madness that is called vaccination.And neither will doctors who are being PAID handsomely for jabbing and lying to their trusting patients.If you’ve been jabbed then your death will be influenced by and/or directly caused by said jab.People should quit thinking it’s coincidence. That’s propaganda talk.And yet the populace of today (being dumbed down by design) have their heads buried in the sand and believe the corrupt media’s story of blaming these deaths on everything else under the sun except the obvious. What a pity.

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Thanks Mike this was succinct and very informative and authoritative. I just heard about you today, linked from Mike Yeadon.

I look forward to hearing more.

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