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Today, I want to look at what seems to be being pushed as the latest virus threat.
The Nipah virus! But, is it actually something to worry about?
The Setup: Here we go again…
Earlier this month a story broke out of India that a virus known as Nipah has infected something like 4 people and 2 have unfortunately died.
What has their reaction been?
To quarantine a massive region and send off alarm bells around the world, but is that in alignment with reality?
Let’s first look at what’s coming out in the news.
Here is a recent video from the New York Post on the situation:
Next, I want to share a quote from Dr. Mike Yeadon, former VP and CSO of Pfizer on the nipah virus:
"Nipah, if it’s real at all, has killed ten (10) people per year over the last 25 years. A more unlikely candidate for another fictional “pandemic” would be hard to find. Ignore."
What You Need to Know
To me what this comes down to is fear, plain and simple.
My first question upon seeing the stories about nipah was whether the real data actually backed up what was being claimed in terms of the lethality.
I had a hunch that they were playing it up a tad and the quote from Dr. Yeadon confirmed that.
It highlights the reality of the situation which is not being presented in any of the news articles or videos.
Can’t imagine why.
Looking back at covid and then ahead to whatever the next one will be we will find that it all hinges on fear.
If the stats quoted by Yeadon are real, it is yet another nothing burger.
Although, that is clearly not what the media wants us to think. They, of course, want us on our toes with all our attention on them like some kind of lap dogs.
If I’m not mistaken I think that there are already new vaccines for nipah already in development. What a shocker?
That brings me to another thing that we can learn from covid.
Where there are vaccines in development, there is another “pandemic” just around the corner.
Regardless, the focus should be on calmly and rationally gathering information from multiple sources prior to jumping ahead to making a decision as to whether to freak out or not.
Remember, the goal of just about any news story these days is to trigger a reaction from you and its largely a fear-based one.
Stay calm, cool and confident in your approach.
“Be still, and know that I am God.” - Psalm 46:10
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Michel de Montaigne, Essays (Book I, “On fear”) (Montaigne 2003) It is fear that I am most afraid of: In harshness it surpasses all other mischances. The American Pychological Assn says In this essay on fear, Montaigne describes the effect of fear, arguing that there is no one of all the passions that sooner dethrones our judgment form its natural seat. When fear is so violent as to deprive men of all sense, both of duty and honour
Just another reason why it's so important for society to see that there are no viruses, and therefore no reason for state control of people or places to "stop the spread of contagion." What did those 2 people die of, really? What toxin or other exposure do the symptoms line up with? As long as people continue to blame non-existent pathogens for disease, they will not look at all the toxins and pollutants and injuries and nutritional deficiencies that are the real causes of illness.