Welcome to another post on the Still in the Storm Substack.
In less than a week, we will celebrate the birth of our Savior, the Son of God.
This is truly the greatest gift of all time.
As I was thinking about how grateful I am for the Lord’s gift of grace and all His riches, I couldn’t help but think about trust.
Without hesitation, I now completely trust the Lord to guide my path through life.
I look to Him in all things and no longer myself.
I trust in the Lord with all my heart, leaning not to my understanding but to submit myself to Him and, in doing so, know that He will keep my paths straight.
However, this doesn’t come easy, and many in the US face a trust crisis.
Trust in God or Man
If you believe that God created the universe and all that is in it, including humans, you likely trust Him to some degree.
However, do you put all your trust in Him? Do you fully submit yourself to Him?
Or perhaps you look to man for many things and use God to hedge your bets as more of a backup than one to live by?
Covid showed us that many in the US and the world have put their trust in fallen men and the institutions of this world over God.
These people demonstrated an almost blind trust in doctors and scientists over the One who created them in His image.
Still, this is, unfortunately, the way of the world, and in many ways, it's always been this way.
It’s the age-old question of Man vs God. Perhaps now, it’s science or technology vs God though.
As 2024 draws to an end and we begin 2025 it looks like science and technology will continue to encroach on man, increasing its attempt to rule over him.
Now more than ever, we must decide whom or what we will trust.
It takes desperation to trust in God
Very often we aren’t willing to relinquish trust in ourselves, other men, or the institutions of this world until we are brought to a place where we are desperate.
Only when we’ve come to the end of ourselves and all that is in the world do we truly see our need for God and His ability to meet those needs.
Until that point, our pride often clouds our judgment, and we can barely get out of our way.
We must be bought to our end, and God has no qualms about facilitating that.
This is what the cross is all about.
Bearing the cross breaks our dependence on ourselves and increases our dependency on the Lord, which is what He is after.
He desires not to change our circumstances but to change us.
The key to being transformed by the Lord is trust.
Trust is another way to think about what is meant by having faith. If I have faith in the Lord to provide for me or others, I put my trust in Him.
So, we either have faith in men and the world or God which in turn is where we place our trust.
I don’t think it is hard to see the consequences of each choice as we bear fruit accordingly.
Trust is light in the darkness
The entropy of the world trends toward chaos, evil, and darkness.
But, Jesus is the light of the world.
When we trust in Him, we bear divine fruit which reflects His light to the world.
So, the decision of who or what we will place our trust in has impacts beyond ourselves.
By trusting in the Lord, we can benefit others and share Him with them.
This, in turn, allows those of us who are in Christ to share His incredible gift with others at such a wonderful time of the year.
Now more than ever, the world needs to know the Lord Jesus Christ.
Will you put your trust in Him, so that He may impact more through you?
I want to wish you all a very merry and blessed Christmas. I hope you get to spend some quality time with the ones you love celebrating the birth of our Savior.
And, if I don’t get a chance to publish a new post next week, I hope you have a Happy New Year too.
May even more of the world come to know the Lord in 2025.
Let me know what you think in the discussion below.
Talk soon,
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The world at large is trusting in man and technology which will lead the charge in the elites' agenda of transhumanism. I'm determined to continue in prayer 🙏 for the unsaved. Wisdom is for believers, while secular society holds to the lies they digest, while collectively scratching their heads
Beautifully put Mike. This is something adults must unlearn as we are told while growing up that we will one day "stand on our own two feet" and come to learn to depend on ourselves, our smarts, our abilities, etc. Our pride causes us to resist asking others for help and many resent others asking them for help so that "to each his own" becomes the mode of operation. Unfortunately this "self-sufficiency" carries over and impedes our surrender and willingness to seek the Lord first in all areas of our life. We think "I can handle it", and "I've got this", even when we are often painfully aware of our own shortcomings. It takes a LOT sometimes for us to "let go and let God". I wonder if the thought ever crossed Adam's mind to go to God for help when he first realized there was a "problem" to be dealt with when Eve presented him with the fruit. He was tempted and he had a situation on his hands, but did he ever think to ask for God's help to problem-solve before he did his own thing? He "followed his heart" so to speak, but look at where that got them. Can't we learn that God won't belittle us or mock us over any supposed "weakness" on our part if we just include Him/Jesus in our daily lives - which is what we would naturally want to do with someone we truly loved - we want the included in every experience we have. It solidifies our relationships, builds trust, enables us to exceed in achievement, advance further and faster in our endeavours when someone is beside us, in harmony and in sync with us, heart to heart, mind to mind, shoulder to shoulder. Why are we so resistant to experience the joy of the relationship He wants us to have?